Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/938

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. INDEX. 2177 Pensiona—C0ntimied. Pazé-Pensions-Continued. NSE- in :rease<i— { increased- Mess, Joseph S ... 1528 Nichum, Richard 1> ..,..,_... 1356 Messirk, James W 1583 Nickerson, Orson . 1680 Metz, Joel 1274 · Noakes, Milton ..,,___,,., 1590 Mgyer, Jane M ... 1516 Noble, Eliza J ._.,,____,._ 1353 Mgchie, Maria Louisa. . 1325 Noe], Matthew B ...,,_,,,_,_,_____, __ _ 1519 M1l3!H• Johll S ... 1666 Nordstrom, Marie W .. -. .. 1306 Mrlbum, Samuel P ... 1421 Norris, Cyrus B ..,,,,__,_,________,__ 1694 Millard, Corydon . 1564 Norris, Petar T .,..,.. 1478 Miller, Aduh I . :. 1684 Northwa , SamuclN . - 1724 Miller, Andrew W 1596 Norton, gyrus G . 1570 Miller, Charles E . 1471 Nomu, Leonard A ..,.,,___.._____,_, 1660 Miller, Eliza M ... 1562 Nomn, Milam G . 1735 Miller, John . 1487 Norton, William H ... 1385 Miller, Mary R ... 1244 Noyes, Eliphlet . . .. · -- 1430 Miller, Robert 1542 Noyes, Mary A ... 1683 Milsted, Thomas , · 1361 ‘ Nudd, Warren B . 1384. Milward, Kate W 1416 Nunez, J oselph A . . . ..,.,. 1307 Mischler, Caroline 1300 Nuttla, Davxd T .. - ... 1543 Miner, Charles .. 1317 Oakley, Ebenezer W .. 1500 Mitchell, Etta Scott ... 1267 Odell, Cyrus ... . . 1250 Mitchell, Samuel S ... 1706 Olcott, Bcrsjamin F ... 1728 Modcrwell, Emstus C ... . . 1341 Olmstead, onus .. 1574 Montfort, Peter C 1301 Olney, Frank A .. - ... 1668 Montgomery, Charles M .. 1403 Olson, Charles 1482 Montgomery, William . ... 1599 O’NeaI, Wodeu . . . 1608 Monty, James ..., 1692 O’Neil, James 1665 Mooney, Phillip ..,... 1632 O’R0urke, J 01m .. . ... 1373 Moore, James 1357 Orwan, Fanny B . 1696 Moore, John L ... 1550 Osborn, Margaret A .. 1582 Moore, Lewis W ., 1298 Osborn, Orlando S 1667 Moore, Mary A ,,, 1524 Ostcrhaus, Peter J .,.. 1462 Moore, Thompson B .. 1339 Oulman, Ewqo J 1326 Moore, Williaxn T ,,.,... . 1717 Overman, xlham J .. 1320 Mmm, Mnhlon C ,.,, 1285 Owens, Thomas M 1533 Moran, Patrick .. . 1367 Paco. JBIDOS W ... l708 Morehouse, Stephen B 1786 Packard, Helen N .. L. 1593 Moyggg, David (3 , ___,,_,__,,_,,,,..,, 1581 Palmer, Charles D _ 1 418 M0 , Mary ___,_,_,_,,,,,,__, [ ,..., 1324 Pa1mcr,_Elizabeth 1643 llogsgy, Mary ,,,,,,... 1713 Palmer, F . 1594 Mm-rig, Jgmqg ___,,___,,..,.,,. -.. 1272 Parcher, Ot mel P . , - . 1688 Morrison, Ann M ., . . . 1594 Paid8B, SDSU! M -·---.·.~. 1257 Morrison, Fmngeg K ____,_., , _ , . . . 1294 PSTHHZ, T110H18S . . . 1619 Mm-1-sim, John c . 1252 Park, Abraham ... 1565 M0;-mw, Sgmh E ,______.,.,,_.,.. 1569 Parker, George W 1374 Mmgmve, John __________,____.,,.. .. 1736 Parker, Susan 1554 Mona,-7 Alf]-gd N _________,____,,,.. , . 1285 Pmmploc, Leander 1330 Lfom, Joseph ___________,_,,___. . . 1512 Partndge, Almond 1561 Mouwm, Amos ____________ , ,______,,, 1432 . Patterson, éustm H .. 1681 Moumm, Lim]; F _,_,, . .. 1693 Patterson, lxeonige . 1260 Mulholland. Andrew . -. .. 1254 Patton, Jamey - - -_ .-.----- . --·.-- 1420 Mull, John T _____________ _ ________,,, 1554 Paul, Katharmc Rams 1449 Munson, Mary A ___________ _ _________ 1§35 Peabody, Gustavus W., ... 1641 \ Murdock, Alexander ____.,., .. 1¤02 Peabodly, Thqmas E .. 1634 Murphy, HenryE_________,_______.., PS31B, TSI1k]]]!. .. ..·-. Murphy, john ___________ _ _____,, ,-, , 1451 Pearson, Francis . - 12:4 Murphy, John ___________,____ , ,,.,.. 1595 Peck, Jesse M 1482 Murph)•, M,? ___________________ ,_ , , 1719 Peck, Oscar M. . 2 . 1717 Murphy, Mic ul _______________ _ ,,_,, 1743 Peddyoourd, Lcvn H .. . ... 1571 Murphy, paugjm Lowe __________, ,. .. l2§8 Penne], Andrew J 1658 Mun-,y, Angeum ____,_,, . ,.. 124.5 Penrose, Clara A .. 1302 )jugKrqvg’ ggcywrd w .,.. 1239 Pensgnger, Henry -.-.- 1705 Mya", (ieorge W ______________ _ ______ 1328 Pe;-kym, Arthpr lj 1410 Myers_ James S ______ _ __________ _ _ _ _, _ 1461 Perlqns, Calvm IN l§29 NNW, Anna A _______________ _ _____,, 157% Perkpns, Charles A 13§2 N ley_ (,;,.806 A __________ _ _____,,_ ., 161; Perkgus, Gustavus S .. 1626 Ng?,,,,, Thomas L _________,,,_ , ,. 1391 Pcgrlgms, Napoleon B .. 124} Newcomb, Diary C _____________ _ _,,,,. 1258 Pcmne, Iqcz E ... 1382 Newman, Colmore L -·.· · - 1534 Pm?. C¤¤1¤¤>Ph¤* C ~----------·-·-·-- **08 Newman, David _] ___________ _ ______ _, 1517 Paws, Duvxd . 1254 Nichol, `vmigm ___ _ __________ _ __ 1565 Peterman, John P ,... 1586 Nichols, Isaac J ______________ _ ______ , 1735 Peterson, Bowman H . 1655 Nichols, ]y{m·y_ _ _____ _ _ ________ _ __,,, 1625 Peterson, J01111 . .. 1348 vox. xxxn, rr 2--60