Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1173

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umm:. 2115 Uvéicxgd $1au: of I Psa. Uvinitlxta It ¢1¤¤¢Y wu nv lll- hnnn, thnts, • .. ..- 1611

mall Harlan . 611 Bangor, lla ..., . ..,..,,,,.,,,,,.,.,,,, Q

for mnacallmcman expenses. . . 611, $4, 927, 937 Biloxi, lis ... . .. U, 119 formujuls. 611 $22,926,931 Birmingham, Ah ... ,1 Q lor Ogyhwu K. Fomker W. R. Blurbs, Binuck, N. Dak O _ _Clurle•A. omiocx an summa, w. v. . n hardaqnctstmrnzyn . 612,622,9% Bntglebcm, V1. ... . ... H for anmnt attorneys. ... 612, 927 Burhzgum, Vt ..,,...,, $ for tee, glut; . . . 612, 622, 981 mr In ,.. . 62 for mp has . $12,622,927 Bquds, own. .. - ... 15 i0rIL1£Es,etc.._ . 612,%’l Clnrl¤0¤,8.C .. »... 61 fcuuppcrtqf gnsunus. .. 6l3,@,62S,927 Charleton, W. Va . . .. 16 for pemteuuume 7 ... 613, Q2, 927 llluthnnnwlinn. . . . . 814 for ying judgments .. . .. 617,9§ Chillicothe, o ,.., - . . - 62 for gas, commxniuuers . . . 622, 926, 937, 968 Clsrkbnrg, W. Va . ... 76 for fees, jurors .., 622, Q7 Chrigle, Hi!. .. . . 5, 1.18 for {ea, witness . z . 622, 624, 926, 937 C0lumlmNS. C. ... 61 im·Commeme Coun unhl June 30, 1918.. 98 00n»c•u'¢hb . H $67

jugiiqa% dinmga. . .f .. _ ... Q Cool! ,_'l'g¤; . gg

dame , mm er 0 cerum canes 0nqn¤Gu¤¤, cx . - . gp pughgg-n ,.,. 53 Council Blulh, Ima ... - .. 75 Img:. judiciql ... - ... 735 Onion, Inu ... 735 luna dmtnct 59 Ig Iivvn ...--. . .·---.. 773; [JW i'u°' `tl . , _0l¤¤,6WI-.. -... . ..·..

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' t. co an sum, , : . .. effect all decree; lands oxcephd; 48 ggpaimglxty, Ho .. I ...,. . . 3 docketing judgment in Stats oBco, !•· Kmns City, Mo . . . 52 stncuon re ed . 811 Konkuy Ion . . ... 786 handwriting oi etc., pgy b• Knngvnllo, Tenn .. 814 proved by _ ttled landwnung. . . 683 Va . 76 interlocutory band on Alleged Lxtxleton, . ,.. 1;.% u¤con•u¤g¤0¤ahty of Bute lun, liuquotta, Inch .. . In etc., msmcwd . .:  : . 1013 Hu¤nQu¥éIY‘. V•. .. 314 inrirdicrinn in lvceny, ew-. of uncle- rn Mm _ ..·.--·----.-.-·»----·. H interstate orimoagu commerce. 670 H_ , In ... M), 160 ¤0tt0imp•ir•¤tlm¤nty0f8t;¢a¤¤urt•, Gm §;r:;x%,°Nh6•k 699 msndnmus \¤ compel ccmmnn licnvvnnnry Ah. ..··-.-.- 099

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mmslmlla p•y Connecticut dna- 7, §BW\?*• lik} -·-···-· · -···--··---···· 28% Q tnct . . . . . . .. . . .. p•r¤1•¤¤prn¤¤e¤e¤¤¤¤de<i¤¤1i!e nn- OEMs -.-----.-...·---~.--· g (enc; ___________ ,,,, ,,,_ __: ,,. E30 0Q¤m1|,·Iqq|_ _,,, , _________,,_____,, us xoclsmatinn Act pmviaioug fqr sutnnn, atc., Oxford, lim . . . . . . 50. 76 l0l300D.{0!(Dd1Dd!lU'|¢t¤)\lI\I . 267 Pukernbnug, W. Vs cw witness; in Court of Chun: not exclndd P Tu ... . .,. m ¥e<>•¤-·» cgcolcr or --·--- _ - 01 _ L W lis- .·.··---.-..---------- N ¤ erm tv ¤ renw _ - -»·-------.··----- ~- - · c¤ur¤ot•p&¤;i¤uo0f .. 5..1: g °°Z1}1¤.,w.$'. ZZZ'.`CIIZZZfZ.I . va rmpnum, ru: . ss-: Anniston, Ala .. . . 699 Pg~¤v1da¤¤•,»R. I .. 56