Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/620

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1638 PARCEL POST OONVENTION—DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Sepremw 11.1*11 Parcel Pm Convention between the United Shstav;fAmeriea and the

  • “‘T‘_ pom,3 ° Rgpublk , |agnuZ° at Santo Dominyo c§;¢mb¢r 91, {W9,

cmu. lm and a¢u;’:gbingten, October 9, 191.9. Approved the Prmdent, October 16, 1912. · _ CEI4 , NVENTION CONYENCION DE PA UETES P%3IE TT0}E?E UNITED PCBTALES ENTREQIOS ES- STATES OF AMERICA AND TADOS UNIDOS DE AMER- LT§£E DOMINICAN B.EP'UB· gg Y LA IXEPUBLICA F purpose` f al¤ng' bet- Co el in d las°rela» @P§n§°mN ter or tail arrange1i,ierI:1t.s between cion; postalesceliige los Estados x Stat? of and `gigidpsde Republica minican e u 'c un- 0 iirmados, ders1gn' ed Frank II. Frank H. Adminis- Postmaster General of the Uni trader de Correos de los States of America, and Salvador Fstados Umdos de Amér1ca,_y Otero Nolasco Director General Salvador Otero Nolasco,Admimsof Posts of the Repub- trader de Corneos de la hc, by virtue of authority vested Regxibhca Dommrcana, en virtud m them have agreed upon the do oa_J>odcres que les han s1d0 foll0wu;g Articles for the estab- confen 0s,_ han convemdo los ment 0 a Parcel Post system of Artlculos sngmentes para el estaexchangee between the United bl0ql!!110l1IAO' de un ,s1stema de States and the Dominican Be- caniigde pa%uetas poetales entre public. IB: tados r1dosylaRep6bhc• mmicana. ARTICLE 1. ARTICUIA) 1. S¤¤p•¤¢¤¤¤·¢¤¤·>¤— The revisions of this conven- disposiciones de esta Contion relgte cgly to parcgs of mtiil :l6¤¢l61} Sc gphcan exclusivameiite tter to chang e cange e pa e s st , §;tem herein grovided for? and segfui las reglas qctild uga egzzblbgeé; 0 not affect the arraagements K no afectan en nada los arreglos now existing underthe niversal oy exnstentes, de la Convencién P0stalC0nvention,wbichwillcon~ Postal Universal los cuales continue as heretofore; and all the tmuaran como_ hasta aqui; y agreements hereinafter contained t0das_las disposiciones ue en a ply exclusively to mails ex- BB&PlI¢&'I10.H10ll.m8D¢0$1&8 8S cgmggd under they Argiglgb cangaéloas en ekecucion de la preaen nvenci n. ARTICLE 2. ARTICUI.40 2. -*-r¢|c1¤s•d¤¤|¤*¢¤¥¤ 1.Tlrereahallbeadmittedto 1.Segi1nlas di' d lg ""'“"“· the mails exchanged under this presents Convexigibncptiiitegmemr Convention, articles of merchan— canjoadas las mercanoias y otras dise and mail matfa1—exoept let- mate;-ig poggglgg, umpmmdo tas, poet-cards, and written mat- les cum, *,4;., Postda y zero allhndsthatareadmittcd oscritcs de ct:3 uier clase que under My ¤<>¤di¤i<>¤¤ w the do- sm admitida rl umm nimme nqmua mestrcmaihoft.hecountry0fenelpaisdeo1igen.I»capa- °¤8*¤» *¤¤¤Pl• mit ¤¤ P¤¤k¤¢ ml! ¢l¤•|¤ M podran `excador de