Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/525

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. 504 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 314, 315. 1916. andi accounted for b the &bursm_ g officer, United States Military Academy, as "MainI{nance,VUnitedi’States Military ·Academy," and ‘ for that p shall constitute one _ * _ semsmeee u •¤- And ur¢he1·,YTl:athereafterm settling transactions between °T‘,{',?‘f’y,£B, °.é,’°'°' a priations or the support of the United States‘M1l1tary Academy ° agsndther bureaus of the»Wa.r Department, or between the United States Military Academ and an other executive dapartment of the Government, gyment by the nsbursing officer ` of the United) tates Military Academy or of the office, bureau, or

 u r accoun ocerso e'I‘reasury

M d°i°ii$m°°°°°°]°r°i.}rit°l Timms cougaar so °‘°‘“* ‘” "°°°“"‘“ so here; authorized the directed m snow me moat in the accounts of Major §; T; Clayton, %uartermasterUprp¤,_the sum of $19.09, disallowed on voucher five , September, hundred andtwelveg · fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen, of his money accounts and now stan insthimon the books of the V _~ ‘ ¤.¤¤¤r·¤¤¤·B·;1:, That the tary of War be, and he ·here§%uis, authorizedito ?.$.%:.t...‘f""* permit Mr. J. Ricardo as Best, ta sam or me ·w·reesye mstruction at the United States Miliitaryécadeing at west Pomti: P~»¤~··>·· M Provided, That no expense shall be caused to the United States N°°’°°°°’ thereby, and that the said JL Ricardo de Borja shall agree to comply with all regulations for the police and discipline of the academy, tobe studious, and to give his utmost Qorts to accomplish the course in the various dtegartments of instruction, and that the said J. Ricardo dc Borja sh not be to the Academy until he shall have . gassed the mental and physical {examinations gigescribed for candi= ates from the United States, he shall ‘ immediately withdrawn if dencient in studies of conduct} and so recommended by the §f§’f,§,,_§l§{°{·m, academic board: And provided furliha-, That in the case of the said c M- J. Ricardo de Borja the rovisions of sections thirteen hundred and twently and thirteen hundlred and twenty-one of the Revised Statutes shall esuspended. Approved, August 11, 1916. "“‘li7t¤i}t.i°`°‘ mar. sia.-Au Aa Authorizing the ummm: tr sets of mm ts • partof

 the Navajo Indian Reservation in the State of Arizona.

Be it enactedby theScnateandHmueo Re umtativeso the United e-§»ivi.i¤i;,°.ix°i?°° R"' Statcaqf America in Congress 088€1hbl¢¢£· ’l'li)dt_all lands {vhich were t,{;*§{,,3g';,*,‘;°,*}¤°g; occupied by settlers or rsons who were entitled to make entries wm¤¤¤w¤r¤r. thereof, and submit fina proof under the provisions of the general homestead law of the United States prior to the hereinafter IIIBA- tioned Executive order and upon the making and approval of the public surveys of such lands, said Executive order being of date anuary eighth, nmeteen hundred, and withdrawing from sale and settlement a tract country lm west of the Navajo and Moqui Reservations m Ar1zona, an w c lands were included in the said Executive order, are hereby excepted from the operations thereof, and such settlers are hereby Suited authority at any time within nmety days from the approv hereof to make homestead entry of not to exceed one hundred and sixty acres ot such land, and submit final proof of the existence of their rights at the date of such Executive order of extension, and patents therefor shall issue upon payment to the United States of the legal fees and purchase price. Approved, August 11, 1916.