Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/442

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION—ARGENTIN"E REPUBLIC. MAR. 12, 1915. 1635 ARTICLE XII. ARTICULO XII. The Post Office Department of El Departamento de Correos de bs1§°§{§sP°“S*b"“Y'°' either of the contracting coun- cadauno de lospaises contratantes ` tries will not be resiponsnble for no sera responsable or lapérdida the loss or damage 0 any parcel. 6 averia que sufra xsgnin paquete. Consequently, no i.ndemn.ity can Por consiguiente no podra reclabe claimed the sender or ad- marse, or lo mismo, en ninguno dressee in eitlier country. de los sos lpaises, indemnizacion alguna lpor a parte del remitente, ` ni do a persona a quien vaya dirijido. ARTICLE XIII. ARTICULO XIII. The Postmaster General of the El Postmaster General de los .,t£“'"‘°' '°““1““°'“ United States of America, and the Estados Unidos de América y el Director General of Posts and Director General de Correos y Telegraphs of the Argentine Re- Telégrafos de la Republics. Argenpublic may, by cement, ex- tina, pueden convenir en except, on account cxigrinsecurity in ceptuar algunas oficmas postales the conveyance, or for other de recibiré despachar paquetes de causes, certain post offices in mercaderias, segnin el presents either country from receiving or Convemo, por ta de segnmdad despatching arcels of merchan- en la conduccion, 6 por otras dise as proviged by this Conven- causas,J tendran autoridad para tion; and shall have authority to llacer e comfm acuerdo y de jointly make such further regula- t1empo en tiemdpo, aquellos reglations of order and detail, as may mentos de or en y detalle que be found necessary to carry out crean necesarios para cumplir the present Convention from time debidamente las prescripciones de to time; and may—by agreement la presente Convenci6n,_asi como prescribe conditions for the ad- para establecer admision en las mission to the mails of any of the aligns de cualqmera de los artieu- AM. p- 1629 articles prohibited by Article II los prohibxdos por el articulo II of this Convention, de esta Convenc16n. ARTICLE XIV. ARTICULO XIV. This (johvohtioh Shoji bg mti- Esta Convencion se ratificara '"’“*’°'· fied by the contracting countries por los paiscs contratantes de in oooopdohoo with their pos oo. acuerdo con sus respectnvas leyes. tive laws. Once ratified, it sllall Una vez rwficada, cvmenzaré 5 take effect, and operations there- l>61161' Of€OY·O Ol d$9·_q¤O S0 fijal'8 undgr Shan begin on the day that Cl18.I1dO 18.8 l`8.tlECB.Cl0I1QS S6 C&IIl—· shall be fixed when the ratiiies- bien, y coutmqaré en vigor hasta tions Simi] bg exchanged; and que se termme por consentishall continue in force until ter- m1O¤tO m'ituO§i§€I'O POdI'9· 8¤U‘ Dummn mimitod by mutual agi-Bement, larse, con la not cacion de uno de but may be annulled at the desire IOS DOl{*¤'t¤m€¤lO$ $16 Correos of either Department, upon six heck; O _Ol7I`O» OOH SOB IIIOSOS d6 months previous notice given to ¤·¤l**O*P¤O1O¤· the other. _ Done in duplicate, and signed Hecho por duplicado y firmado, S‘g““°'”" at Washington the twelfth day en Washington el dia doce de of March one thousand nine hun- marzo de m` novecientosy quince. dred and fifteen. [sean.] ALBERT Smmcr Bmznmsox Postmaster General ry' the United States of America. R. S. NACN, [SEAL.] Ambassador of the Argentine Re blic to the UnitednfS’tates of Amerka. 19`Z620°—vol. 39-Pr 2---29