Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1629

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INDEX. Qlxi Navy—Continued. Pago. Na·vy——Continued. page warrant officers on shore duty overseas, exchmf land, radio station, South allowed sea duty gay .. 140 San cisco, Calif ...·-, 821 enlisted men disc arged to accept acceigtance of lands from San Diego, spgointment as officers in Reserves C ii., for naval uses ... . ... 821 to ave credit for such service on appropriation for Pearl Harbor Ha.wa.ii.-- 821 reenlistiug 141 exchange of lands, Puuloa Ride Range, grade or rank restored, etc ... _ ,,__ 141 at harbor entrance . ... 821 similar `frovlsion for warrant officers exchangeoflands Honolulu, Hawaii., 821 and . arine Oorpswsay clerks .. 141 for Cavite P. I.,iuel storage . 822 transfers from N a Volunteer tp hospital, Olongago, P. I., from pro- Reserve Force not a discharge from ceeds of U. S. . "Re " ... 822 State, etc., Naval Militia. . ..., 141 for Marine Barracks Sam Dlgiego, Calif-, 822 members of Reserve Force not pre- for fuel depot, Sam biego, Calif ..,, 822 vented from being in State, etc., for submarine base, New London, Conn. 822 Naval Militia .. 141 for submarine and destroyer base, Colummembership in Naval not to bia River, Oreg. ...,.,,,,_,,,, 822 interfere with duties in Reserve acceptance of site from Astoria for 822 Force . 141 for devel<épin€)permaneut training smstatus of Assistant Paynmsber John tion, an lego, Calif . . . 822 Flynn, established . 141 for repairs and preservation . . 145, 822 aplpointment of certain ensigns estab- maintenance of training stations from ished as of June 28, 1917 .. 141 Bureau appropriations ...,,.,,,_,,, 145 apgoinunexrt authorized of Edgar aceestance of lands from San Diego, eyes, as first lieutenant Manne C 1f., for training station and hos- Corps . . .. 141 pital site . . ..,. 145 appropriation for Bureau of Ordnance; ord- exchange of lands Marine Corps base, nance and ordnance stores. .. 142, 819 San Diego Cali}, . . ... 145 chemical, technical, etc., services. . 142, 819 for Bureau ot Medicine and ·Su.rgery, former Government emggmyees enter- surgeon? necessaries, etc. 145, 822 ' wm- service may reinstated, for contmgent, ...-. 145,823 ilgionorably discharged, etc ,., . 142 care, etc., of msane on Pacific coast. 146, 823 foremokeless rgwder . . .. 142, 819 for transferring remsms of officers, for Naval Gun actory, Washington, D. C. 142 euhisted men, etc . . . 146, 823 for torpedoes, etc ,, , ... 142 for 11osp1tal treatment, etc . .. 146, 823 {or torpedo station, Newport, R. I .. 142 for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts; for experiments in armor material, ord- psy of the Navy . . . . 146, 824 nance, etc .._,,,,,,,,.,,.,,. 142,819 designation of Pay Corps changed to for contingent . . . 142, 819 Supply Corps . 147 for Bureau of Yards and Docks, main- line captains wounded in line of duty temmce ,.,.,_.,,,.. , ..,. 142, 819 not subject to promotion restrictions. 147 clerical, etc., services . , ,,.,,., 143,819 sllowalncegl for ;ieathRin Kwrebfservicc urchase of passenver automobiles a p `cu e on y to egu avy or . P forbidden ,,.,,,,,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,_ 143, 820 ll/Farina Corps. . S24 employment of motor vehicle opera- death allowance extended to officers Jr mm .. 820 and enlisted men of Toast Guard. . . 824 {0; contingent ,,,_,__________________ 143, 820 rank, etc., of Suéwrintendent of Coast forpublicworks,desigmmd ym~ds,e¤c. 143, 820 and_(}eodetic urvey established. . . 825 for naval hospital, Fort Lyon, Colo . . 143 for proymonsu .. ; _ . . . 147, 825 for Portsmouth, N. II 143, 820 for mamtenemce: equipment supplies. 147, 825 water supply from Kittery, Me .. 143 credit for losses mn disposal o excess for aid in constructiixdg bridge to navy sfoqks .. 2 .. . .. 8*25 yard at Kittery, e 143 chenucal etc., services . . ... 148, 826 mntjbugiqug required from Maine for fretgbt, bepanmentand bureaus. . 148. 826 and New Hampshire ... 143 for fuel nud tra¤sp0rtstion.-._ . 148. 526 for Philadel hia, Pa. , dry dock, etc 143, 820 zlgaagpxng charter lure restricted . 148, 826 limit op cost increased ,.,. 820 from gublic lands of Alaska 148. 826 for Washington, D. C., extensions, etc- . 144 purchase om Goyerument fuel yards. gm- Nave,} Academy ,,._ _ ,__,,_,_____ 144, 820 D. C., not reqmred ._ I . 148 for Norfolk, Va., water front improve- l for Bureau of Constrnction and Repau: ments, etc . . . _ , 144 construction, etc 148. 826 for Mare Island, Calif., railroad cou- mamtenance, etc., of Const Guard, nections, etc .. 144 etc.. vessels .. . 149 for navel m zines . .. 144 eqmpngems supplies . ...-.. 149, 826 for Great Lx; training station ...,.. 144, 822 , limitatxons on rczairs not a,ppl.icsb1e. . 149 for fuel depots, Yorktown, Va., etc__ 145,822 repaxrs. etc., " earsnrge’ or "Ke¤- _ for Hampton Reads, Ve-, operating base, } wcky ’ ---· . ·-.-·-·~ _ - · 1, -..·-·- e2? improvements, etc ... - .. 145.822 V acceptance of naw! bug "l\¤¤g=u·s"; for marme barracks, Qusntzico, Va ,,.._. 145 = repmrs. _ ... S2; for New York, N. Y; water front im- _ clencul, etg.. serncee. . ... 149.§2r pygxrgmgntg gugpgudgd _____ _ ______ S20 10l' OODSTYUUYEIOD pl8l1lIS.._... . . . ... : 149, B2? special joint committee on Paciiic for Bureau orSteam Engmeer1ng;repa1rs, const naval bases .. 820 etc., of machinery, etc . . 149. S2? 44281 ° ——-21---103