Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1114

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§2o · urns sl _2.» Naaberof •;¤mm! ed of line.-—The_ total miniber of commissioned oEcers of the active list of the line of the Navy, exclusive of-`_eommlsaioné¥1_warrant ofl`1cers,£ shall be 4 per centum of the, total authorized enlisted strength of the active list, exclusive of the Hospital . Corps, prisoners under: going sentence of discharge, enlisted men, detailed for duty with the>Naval Militia, and the Flying Corps. /€Aug. 29, 1916, -% Stat. 5?Q._)` _ _ ,' _ · . · J3. Nnmber of commissioned o§cers of stalfcorps.——'l?he total authorized uunaher of oommisaiouou, `oliicers 'of_'the. active list of the following staff corps, exclusire`} of commiaéioned War- · rant officers, Shall be based on percentages of the total number efcouiniiasioned mehicers of the active list ·of¤·the line} ot the Navy as follows: . _ _ _ _ · - . Simply Corps. 12~per centum; Construbfion Corps,`5 perpentum; Corps of (`ivil Engineenjs, 2 per een_tum;·' and; the total antlmrized HUI1ll'}€I‘_`,0f coxnixnlssioxled 0iti<·e1¤s_of the Medical 5 Corps shall be eixty·il_ve one hundredtlis of ·I_ per lcentum of the total aulhorizedlnunxber of the.0lHcers and! enlisted men of the Sar? and Marine (3orpé,· including gn_idsl1_ipnien; · Hospital (`0rps,'_pr§s011ers_ undergoing sentence of clisclmrgew ‘;=m1isted men detailed! for duty with the Naval Militia, and the Flyinig Corpsf Provided, That hei·eafter` the 8ilt-h0l‘iZ9d_ numheroof surgeons in the United Smtes Navy be, and lt isbhereby, increasedby one. J - _ · — · Vbcntal florps.-;-There` shall be one dental oliicer in the Navy for each_`t‘housand of the total auth0rize<l;_ number of~oi¥icers and'enlfsted_men of the Navy and Marine Corps. " · Carpe 9} ¢Gha.pla£yz·a;—eThe total number otchaplalns and act- Qing chaplains in the Navy shall be one to each twelve hundred {_ and fifty of the total personnel of_:the`Navy and Marine Corps as fixed by law, including midshipmen., apprentice seamen, and navalprisoners.- (June 530,`1Q14, c. 130, 38 Stat. 401; A,ug.,29, i 1916. c. 417, Stat.,576.' 581; July 1, 1918, c. 114, 40 Stat; 708.) . 4. Distribution of commissioned line o$cers among gr•dés.e ‘ The total number jof connnissioned line ollicers on the active list at any one time, exclusive of coinmisaloned warrant 0$cers, ~ahall be distributed in the proportion lot, one of the grade. of rear admiral to four in the grade ot captain, ·'to seven ·in the grade of commander, to fourteen in the grade `of lieutenant Icnnunander, to'·thirty-two and one-half in the grade of lieué tenant, to forty-one and one-half in the grades of [lieutenant (junior grade) ¤i€¤ag¤; incluislve.`· `(Aug. 29; 1916, c; 417, 39 Stat. 576.) `“ · ‘ _ _` ` ·» 5. Distribution of comnxissioned 0&cers among grades oi M25 corps.--—The total number of commissioned 0'Hicers 0.f the active! list! of the following mentioned staff corpé at any one time, ·ex€·lusive of commissioned warrant officer3, "shall be distributed in the various grades of the respective corps as fob lows: ~ ·’ 2 " · J n ·‘ llledival Corps; One-half medical directors with the. rank- of rear ‘al1¤m·a1 to four n1edlcal_.directorS·w·ith therank of can tain, to eight medical inspectors with rank of cogmnander, to 5 eiglitysevexx and one-halt in the grades below medical inspector. · “Supply Corps: One-half pay directors with the rank ol! rear ’ admiral to four pay directors with the ran}: of captain, .to eight pay inspectors with the flank of commander, `to eighty- seven and one-half in the grades beloik DRY inspector. _· . Construction Corps: One·ha.lf naval constructors, with the _rsmk or rear admiral to eight and on»e·hal£ naval constructors with the rank of captain, to fourteen naval constructorawith fthe rank of commander, to seventy-seven naval conqtructors Maud aaaicstazat naval constructors with rank liel0w conimander. (torpa. of Civil Engineers: t‘)ne·hal£ civil engineers with the rank of rear admiral to. Eve and 0I1%~;·h8lf civil engineers with t-he rank of captain, to ‘tou{teen`clvil engineers with the rank ·uf cozmnanderg to eighty civil engineers. and assistant civil engineers withlthe rank below. commander. Nothing `contalneg herein shall be held to reduce below that authoriged by law

i·····N4·VY · 11007 prior to August 29, 1916, the number of- o&cers in my grad or rank in thegstad. corps. _ (Aus. 29. 1916. 43. 417,39 sm; mj? ·· -6, Dirtrbutnon in rank of chalibilis iildeotiug chaplains ‘ Of thQ.t0t{1i number of C}wlli&l118 and QCUBS Chilplains ;m{],;,,,._ ized 10 per gcentnrn thereot shall. lmw the tank of r·;;;_,;,,;,, in _ the Navy, 20 pengcentum the rank- of commander, gr, my Qelltulll thérfiluk of lieutenant commabdgrr and }’(‘II];]i]]{_}m. to have the rank; ot lircutenants- and lielltenants, junior gym,. ,(June 30, .1914, c. 130, 38 Stat. 403.) “ _ · "_ I ` 7.;Dates_.for·determi11in§ nu1¤her.of ro§eets in Various Y grades and ranks. ofilinc and/stad.-T'1To deterniine the a>~:l¤_,,._ - Auigerl number of omcers in the _Ym‘iol;S.g‘r&6eS and ranks H5 th,. ` line and ofjthe staif corps as provided in sections Ll ,,,,4 .;__ gomputationsshall be made ,_by the Secretary of me 3,,,-,,.- at leastonce each year, and at such times as he may di- ]'(*(•t, {IIB 1°tfSl1itiI}g in- fb€\'W;\¥`i0\lS' gfilfitfé mp] __ ranks,·as so cornputed, shall be held and considered for all i purposes as the·a_uth0rlaed`number of officers in Sll€‘fl’\'2ll'·i•>tiS grades and 1‘&llkS·3ll·!.i shall not be varied between such compa- ·. .tations._· (Aug._r29, 1916, c._.417, 39 Stat. 577; July 11;. 1919; ‘ c.- 9, 41 Stat. 139.)··_ _·-` i I ‘ _ . g 8. Ollicers. excluded from considerutio¤_in'ddchnining mm. ' ber.—g—For the purpase of determining the authorized number of-. · oflicers in any grade {or rank ot the lineor ot the staff corps, { there.sl1a1l·` be excluded from consideration thm oflicers car- ‘° ried by law as- additional numbers, includlngstan oliipers V permanently commissioned prior to August 29, 1916, with me _ rank: otrear admiral. i(Aug._%, 1916, c.- 417, soisrat. 577.) · ‘ 9. QRule where Enal fraction occurs in computing number of l . l qorps, grade, or rnnk.·—·Whenever ‘a dual fraction occurs —a_ ‘ l computing the authorized; nugnber of any corps, grade, or rank li in the ~naval service, the nearest whole number.- shall beire- _ " l garded as the authorized number 5, Provided, That at least one ` officer shall he allowed in each grade or rank. (Aug. 129, 1016, · ·c.·417, 39.Stat._577.), '_ » ` .~ " __ _. r _' ·_ 10. Rule in case of odd number of rear adpirnls.——W1ioii r- there is an odd number ot omcers in the grade or` rank of T reareadmiral in the line or. in each corps,`the lower division r thereof shall , include the exeess in number, except where there 1 is but one.; (Ang. 29, 191.6, c. 417, 39 Stat. 577.) · ._ ._ _ V 11. Appointment of conimi o· ·· oEcers of stalfcqrps.-y_ { All appointments as' coxnrnissioned ciiicers of the staff eorps .. of the_Navy shall be made by the President by and with me p' » advice: and consent of the Sen_ate.`Y·(R. S. 55 1389, 1378,1395, Y 1*102, ,1413; July 1, 1918, c. 111, 40 Stat. 708.) " j` Q _ Mnnloar. cones · 9 21. Acting_—appointments;. how` m•dc.e;—The _Presidont_is aub- = thorized to appoint for temporary service twenty-five aétilis · assistant surgeons, who `shull have the rankanel { Of,£1SS*iST{ll1_lI·Sl1l,",g"(l0llSZ `Proa:·i¢fed_, That the Secretary of thr . ’Navy may appoint, for temporary . service, such aétilw » assistant surgeons as the exlgencies-·ot the service 3¤·:¤l‘ , !l‘0q.\lil‘e· WilQ_' shall receive the compensation of zissklrllli '__—$lI1’g@0l1S. (R. S. N 1369, 1411{May 4, .1898, cl Zi-1. 3*) SWL » 380; Mar. 3, 1899, ,c. 413,} 7, 30 Stat. 1300.) .5 _ - _ 22. Assistant surgeon·;.•8§·—l%,5molntees to the grade of as sistant surgeon. shall'be“ between the ages of twenty-eff? *****1 = > thiPty-two at the time ot appointment. (hug. 29, 1916, c. H7. n 39 Stat. 577.) _ " { .- · L · 23. Examination for appointment.-»-yo person shall be Mir n pointed assistant surgeon until he has been €XHllliIlt‘ti° and . upprored by .a· board of: naral surgeons, designated by thi? e Secretary of the Navy, or by his nntnorlty‘»ag provided bl'- a ~ t¤¤¢¤¤¤ WR, S. §_ 1310; Maya, _1sss,_c2 234, {1, so star. _ x

380; Aug. 29,»1916, c. 417, 39 Stat. 577.) _ · { 5 `

. 24.`S¤rgeon of the Beet; appointment.}--The President mal'; F ._ <1osl§iiaii'é2i;“2aiiTon’§` the iéaiigeons iayuie Serrgiea, and appolvtév ’ every Beet or squadron an experienced and intelligent surgeon,