Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1482

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~ § '122 TITLJ 4s.·-LE Upon-averyvesml not of the United Staten, `which shall be 1 . entered in one district from another dlarlet, havin; cm beard i ° goods, wares, or mer®andise takm in em district to be delivered in anotner duties shall be paid at the rate et U ¤ 50 cents ten: Provided, '1‘b.at_no auch duty mall be ge-P_‘ quired where a_ tem! owned by citizens et the United States; ` but not an vessel of the United Statw, after entering an Amer-` I lean? part, shall, before leavin:. the Sam, be registered has a vessel ef. the United States. On all foreign vessel! which', shall he entenzed as the United States tram any foreign port I er place, te and with which vessels of the United States are `~ not etidinarily permitted to cute} and trade; there shall ` palda duty at thexate 0£_$2 perten; and ume of the dufles yi ` en tonnage abeve mentioned shall Abel levied ron the 7v&Ia 1 at any feyeign nation if . the Presldmt of the·‘United States shall be mtimeddthat the or countervaillxig -i duties of each foreign nations, so tar ag they eperate ·t0`the4 _· disadvantage of the United States, have been Any · rights ef. privileges acquired by aayzfurelg nation under the · ~ laws and traties et the United Staté td theduty of· ~ tonnage on vemls sl;a1l¢n0f be 'lijapa1r&; andany ireesel, any · 6—&€1’ of which shall netébee a citizen the United States shall 2 pay n taxef ¤0`c@ts per ton. (R. S. § 4219*; Feb. 27, 1877;_.c. 69, * § 1, 19 Stat. %B; June 26, 1884,.e. 121, § 14, 23 Stat. 57; {une 2 19, 1886, e. 421, 5 _11,`~2fS6at. 81; Apr, 4, 1888,.c. 61, 5 1,. U % Stat. M; Ang 5, 1999. e..6, { 36, 36‘Stat. 111; Mar. 4, 1915, ` e.y171,§‘1,38Stat. 1193.,) _ _ -_ °_` —— · " 122. Coming and §s&g -vessels.-—N0 vessel 1 belonging f to' U any citizen. of the United- States, frcm one poft withln * the United Statw t0_ another port within the United * or embleyed- in tm_ bank, wbale,·_cr ether iieherlw, alxall be * subject to tenaage tea or duty, ·if such `yessel be licensed, ` registered of enrolled. (R. S. I 4@0.)`° _ . ` ‘ 123. Vweels in foreign and coasting trade on northern, * . northeastern, and northwestern- fre¤tiars.¢—Em·nlled or licensed vemls engaged in the foreig and coasting trade on the n0rth#· ` ein, northeastern. and northwestern trontleis oi tie United j States, departing {rom er: arriving “at a port ln one district to; * er frém aifncrt in another district, and also touching lt inter- 1 mediate foreign ports, shall not thereby become liable to `the. ] payment et te tax, as iffromer to fore1gn._ports;but 2* such vesselg shall, notwithstanding, be required tb enter and U ,? gm:. (R. s. l mee.; . ·_ " ‘ · _ —· ; ‘? 124. Passenger vessels trading `betqeen ports of United ‘

   foreign mg·ts.·——Auy paxenger vessel engaged tri- '

weekly oa ettenexf in trade between of the jUnited tates ` and fefeign bbrta shall be exempt fr0m_ tonnage. taxee while T ·Spch‘ service tri·a·eek1y‘ or oftenef is maintained. ’ (R. S. 1 I2792; c,212,_| 1,35E1at. 424.) · ·— 1 Q 125. Vmada daily ea walera.—-In- cases 1 of vmls making rmlar daily- trlpe between any p0rt·0t the United and any pwt m the ci Canada. ` mnxy am mm-nm waters mt aavmmew the nc 1 teenage fees khall be NQBJYBQEIV by the 1 emu or me Umm emu, exeepc tu emring = not s¤& vwael lxxugh yur. (B. 8.} _ _` ·· Z 126. Vessels touching at Canadian lperta.——gN¤ eonsul orion- 1 sular agent et the United Statm shall tonnage tees. ‘ frm any $1 of the United Statm, at ea near peru in Canadaf cnyher iegular veyage from cme port tot g "anctner within Stateaynmleas meh or com- s

 perform some wma! services, required by ·

law ter sew www when she ehall uma tend at a Canadian < vert. (R. S. S · _ - ., ~ 1 127; taxa Sa ferdgn veaaelaeemlng freq Phinp- 1 phea.-The kia éhall be- levied, and. paid jupqn all terelgn vessels coming into the United Stateé from the rmiuppxae mnaaeg ewes ate required uy- nw to be e levied, collxted, and paid upon vessels eeming into the United 1

§lIIPPING e 1468 States; from foreign countries. (Apr. 29, 1908, 152, 2, 35` A Stat.70.)·‘ *' ‘· l _·- 128. Light msmey.-=-A duty of 50 cents per ton, to bedeaom;. nited “ light money? shall. be levied and collected on an vemels not ot the United States, which may enter the ports oi the United Statw. Such light motte? shall be levied: and collected in,_t.he same manner mid under the samekwulatiens as the tonnage duties: Propided, 'That ho aa__eh· duty shall be re. quired where a 'vessef owned, by citizens of thellnited States, but not a` vesaefot the United States, utter ehteriag an American port, Mghill, `betore leaving. the same, be regstered as a vessel -_ , United‘ States. (B. S. °§ 4225; Mar. 4,1915, c. _ 171. Q 1} 38 SML 1193-) " . , . QH. Exenptien ogi unregistered vcaseln owned by citize¤s.——e The preceding section` shall not be deem:} at operate upon uarfegistered °y@1s, owned abi citheus of the United States; and carrying 'a sea letter, or“othq· regular document, issued from a of the United States, moving the vessel, to be American property. Upon the entry of every. such vwsel from nay foreign port, it the same shall be at the port at which the. owner Torany oi the;-part owners reside, auch came: er wrt owners shall oath that the sea letter .01: other regular document by sach vessel contains the or names of aIl·the·perso;1s-·who are theathe owneraof the vwl; or it any part of such vewel has been sold or transferred since the date of such sealetter or document, that such is the use, aud"`tg1at .no`foreigu Subject-or cithexi hea to thebest of his knowledge and belief, nay share;-by way ofltrast, coahdence, or otherwise, .111 such vesseli Ifithe owner or any part owner ` does not reside at the port or place at which such vessel ehall enter, they the master shall make oath; to the like Meet; It the owner _ or part owner, where there is one, or the master, where there is ho owner, shall refuse to so swear, such vesel shall- not be entitled to the privileges granted by this gectiéh. (B.s.t4226»)' , _ · T *130. Vessels . owned- by citizcas of Phllippiaes.-4Ve¤eels owned by citixens of the "Ifhilippine Islands and documented ae such by the government ot said islands shall be exempt la portseoi the United Statesf from paynient of tonnage taxes and llght duesé Provided, That aothiag contained herein. shall she construed. as exempting saldi veesela from any taxes or- dam_ lmposéd byfthegoxcmriieht of ·the°Pl1ilipplue Islands. (July 1, _ 1916,ec. 209, { 1, 89, Statfwé.) ~ _ _ ° $· 131. Rights of Cuban vw¤¢1».——ves·,se1s owned by citizens ef Cuba and documented as.such_`shal1_be entitled in ports of the United‘·States to the rights and privileges of vmsels of the most tavorw nation, and they and their cargoes shall he subject to no highercharges in ports of the United States than are imé Dwed on the/%esee1s,a;1d cargom of the moat favored nation ia the sametrade; (Feli.10,—1900, c. 15, {1, 31 Stat. 27.)‘ e { _ _ _ , ‘ 132.; Vessels mt by ¤ea.——=Vessels entering otherwise than uby from a 'forelga _ pot: at which; tonnage or lighthouse dae§ or other equlvalent tax or taxes not im- _

   vessels of the United States mall be exempt from the _

tonnage d.1ity of 2 cents per ton, not to exceed in the agyegate 4 F 10 cents per —ten,lu any one year. t (Har. 8, 1910, c. $,.38 Stat. 23Q) - M ~ ‘ _. ‘ °_ I ‘ · . 133. Hospital ships ia time of war.———Hespltal ships, ceaeerw _ lag which the-condltlens set forth ih articles 1, 2,-arid 3 of the eonéeatioa concluded at The Hague eu July 29, 1%, for the; adaptation to `maritinie warfare of the priacipleeot the.Geaeva convention of Apgust 1864, are fulhlled, shall, in the ports " at the United $t:ates and the powessiens theseog, be exempted, la time of war, tremall ham and taxes on ymels by thejaws of the United States, and from all pllotage charges. _ (Mari 24, 1908. c. 96, % 1;‘353`Stat. 46.) . _ . . “ 134. by Praideat of hespital ships excnptdr- The President of the :Unite<l States _.shall by proclamation ' name the hospital ships towhich the preceding sectloa shall