Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2020

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§1091 TITLE 2e:.-1m 1099. Examiuatiem of return and deterugnatiou of amount ciijtt. 1100. Deficiency; what constitutes. - _ _ 1101. Same; uotiéc of; appeal by executor ilimitntiohs on assese "_ ment and collection of deficiency]. . . ·_ 110lu. Same; waiver ot restrictions; .011 assessment and .col1ectim _ {xew.] · Y . " l ·· ~ 1101U. Same; additional deficiency; mathematicalerror. [New.], 1102, Same; determination by` board; assessment and payment of ` . collection of déhcieuéjv disallowed. . · / 1102:1. Same; redcterm4natiou‘—bx board. [New.] _ _ 1102h. Same; when decfsiou of board become; tina], [New.] ’ 1103. Same; failure to‘·tile appeal; assessment and payment of de . fiéicncy. · — _ _ _ 1104. Same; assessment and collection -01 déhciency. where dela · would be dangerous. . ` . , ·11~05. Chim in abatement, ‘ * .. e 1106.. Deiiciency; iixterest 011. _ - 1107. Saine; extension of time fdr payment ot. . _ 1108. Additional tai (or failure to me return assessed, etc., :1 deficiency. . - T I ._ - · ,_ i 1109. Ihtcxjest on unpaid téxes. - Q · , . 1110. Time fog assessment ahd collection 0{ ta`:. ’ _ ` 1111. Sgme; false or fraudulent returns.: time for collection by dis traint: op court pt·0ceed;ing;_ »' e °` » - 1112. Dupiicate tax receipts; discharge ot eiecutor jtqm persona ‘ liability. . · ’ - ·. _ ‘ ·l - Q 1113.· Lien for deHclency;__ligbility— of bona tide purchaser. _ · 1114, C.ol1ec_tion of thx; reimbursement q; person paying tax; ligbilit ‘ et insurance beneficiaries. · · _ ‘ 1115. Lien- of tax; liability of transferee or trustee pt decedent; bon `fide purchasers. · `·· - { .` 1116. False statements; penalty; failure xtc make return or disclos °~ iuférmption; penalty. ‘ _, _ _ . — _ 1117. Estates Ln {thine.; pa.»yment'ot ts.; to_c1c1§k ot United State ’ Court far·Chi¤a. ‘ ·. __ , . i 1118. Assessment and collection-of tgz under priorlaws. l 1119. Liability ot transferee orliduclary; assessment and collection limitations. _[New.] ‘ 11:}0. Refund or "sult tony receive y ot tax} restrictions pu; limitation: . ,iNeW.]_ · _ Y » .· ` 1121. Refunds; interest. [New.] N , v_ - _• ~ ` PAM: Il.——G1§'I.‘ TAX. fkepehled] 1137. Claim in abatement. I [New.] le} ,. _ - PAB.‘1f_ IJ--—ESTATE TAX U I The tatutes constituting if 1091 to 1118, inélunlve, ot Title 2t

 Inxnuxhh Rmvxxtm,-were repealed hy Act of Feb. 26,_1926,_ c. 21

I 5 1200, 44 §tat. 125, nu ct thatedate. _ , I 5/ - The swibject matter contained in the Q repealed statutes iq, le e substance, carried into jhq Act at Feb._ 28, 1926, Tltia III; Q! 30* to 325, inclusljve, heljein set out in sections corresponding to thos

 in sate; Title 26 otj the.Cbde. . I , ·

1091. ‘De§nitic:is.-·¥-—\Vheu used in this titl c·—¤·—·` e . (a) The term " executor ’f mean; the executor or admlnistru tor at the decedent, or, it_·Cl1cre is' no executor or administmto appointed, guallhed, and gctlng withluthe United States, that any peréem in actual or constructive-poesesslqn of any pmpert; of the decedent; _. " — - , , · ~ ' (li) The termq "uet estate". I.§€8§1S‘*·{h‘B net estate as deter mined under the provision; of seétlem 303; — e (c) The term "..me0nth " means calendar month; que] _ A-(ei) il‘_l1e term "c¢ellect0r_",m‘eans the collector of interna revenue of the dlstrlet in which was the"d0miclIe/of the dece dent: lit. tlietime of his death, otyif there was uq such domicile iu the United States, ·th`e—u the c_ejlect0r’0t the dlsttlct in, whicl is situated the part of the gross estate of the tiecedent lu the United States, qryif such pm:t°0f t.11e_g1’0ss estate is situated it lriiore thm1"6ué_district, then the eollectmr afi internal revenue of sueli tllstric¥t' as_mg1y- be desfgnalted by thé_é0mIfiiSSl0u€l‘ (Feb. .28, 19*26, c. 27, § 300,4 44 Stat. _®.) · _ _ . Q . , _ A * . · · , See note at beginning of Paxt 1-of this chapter, · _ l , This title, herein referred tq, constitutes é. 20 of this supple mental/title. Section 303, mentioned in the text, is set out in § _1095 at said supplemental title. . __ _ ‘_ e 1092. Percentigc of tax.—»··:—Iu lieu ufthe tnx_lmp0eed hy Title ‘Il1 of the·Reven;1e_Ae:t»e»f__1924,Xh tax equal to the sum qf· the

‘ERNAL REVENUE QQOG , toilhwing pergentages of the value of thé net qstate (determi¤e·d as provided ip scy2ti011_303) is hgréby imposed upon the trzmsgfer ,,_ of the net estate of every decedent dying after the enactment ot this act, whether a resideut of nonresident ct the United 1- States; ” ‘ _ ’ ’ . _ 1 per} ceutum, of the amoiint of the net estate not in excess N #$50,000; . E -, _ . _ 2 'per ceutum of the amount by which the nefestate exceeds _ $50,000 and cjoes not exceed $100,000;- ·’ " ‘ .. ag W 3 per centum of the agnount by syhigzh the net estate exceeds · “. $100,000 and does, not exceed- $200,000: _ ‘ ,y _ 4 per ceutum 0; the amount by which the net ésiate exceed; , 5200,000 anddoes not e;<;é¢d;$400,000;` ,0 , 0 · _ _ “D 5 per `centum of thé am0m1t_by·whjcb the netéestsite excems. · $400,000 and doe; not élcéed $600,000; . f · -, / ,s · /‘ 6 per Zzeutpui of the amount by whighthe net negate exceédé $600,000 and-dpcs not exceed $800,000; 0 ` "__7 per cgntum of the-nxnount by which the net estate exceeds ,_ $800,000 and does not exceed $1,000,000;“ A · ,_ I · ‘ .8 pencentum of the amount by whkgh The ne; estate exceoelg L1 $1,000,000 auglv does not excegd‘_$1,50Q,000;· _ » . . 9 per centunr pt the &mquut.»by’ whjqh the net estate Qexcoqls y $1,500,000`aud does not exceed $2,000,000;' » _ ~; .10 per centum of the amount By which the net egmte exceeels ir §2Q000;000 ~—and docs not_excg·ed $2,500,000; _ K , e _0 ,11 per céentum of the amount by which the net estate exezcem ~ $2,500,000 and docs no; exceed $3,000,000-; _. _ B 4 12 per ceptumof th} amount which the net estate excepds , _$3,000,000 and eioed not_ cxcéed $3.500,000,; _ 13_per ccntum `ot the amount by whidx the nét gstaté exceeds ’ . {3,500,000 and does not exceed $4,000,000; · . _ ,, ; 14 per ccntnmpt the by which theinet matéjexceeds ` $4,000,000;;md does nor exceed %,0®,000_; ‘_ · , - ‘ ` ‘ 15 per cgntum ofighé amount by‘whi¢hQthe net estate exceeds jh $5,000,000 and dqqé not excwd $8,000,000; I · *_ · _ 16 per centum ot the amount by whiclpthe nctcstatc exceeds * $6,000,000 and docs nqt gxéee0 §?§,0()&000: · ` 0 "_ · ` _ ,17 pér cguhnin ot thé amount by which the nehesthtc excegds I, $7,000,000 and does noi exceed $8,000,000; _ ." . _ _? ° '·` 18 per ccntumy; the amoumzbypwhich the net astute éxcvexls n $8,000,000 anddoes not exceed $9,000,000; _" ‘ 0 10 per éeutum of the amcgn; by which the net estate exceeds e $9,000,000 and does not exceed $10,000,000; . , _ 20 pc; centum of the amount by- which the net estate exem·d<‘ $10,000,000 (Feb. 26, 1926, c. 27, Q 301 _(_n), 4} Sta;. w.)

  • j n Scexnotc at heginxqng df Part I of this chagiterix _ »

r · Title lll ci the Revenue Act c{ 1924, mentioned in the texi. is, B · set out in E. 20, ot Title 20, Ixnmnn Rmnmzn. Section 303, Similarly `mantioucd, is up ont in { _109§ at -tht•‘mpptement¤1 title. . Y . , Subdivision _(g) of $,301 .c!» the Rqvenue Act of 1924, ($-1002 of , Qitle 20, Ixrzuxhn Rnmxnn), was renewed by Act. or Feb. 26, 1926,

 _ c..2'Z. Q 1200.44 Stat. 125, as of tbnthdnte, and { 1002. or my

. tsupptememtal twin was snnbntinncgd tneretnr; The repealed swvinn _ _ - . was retroactively nmendnchby 5-32*2 of the Act of Feb. 26, 1926- . as fcllowsi i_ · °· _ , j , · _ _ I _ _` "_S1:Q. 322. (a) _Ih· lim of the tn: imposed ‘by Title IV of the ,; Revenqe Act of 1921, a tax equal to the snm_ of the- following {wr- B _ centhees of the value ot the act estate (éeterminnd as‘ prc¤v§4g··¢l , in section ·303) is hereby Qmpnsed upon thaatnnater ot the ·¤<·f 1 estate of every decedent jyiug nftgr. thehnactment of this Ac:. 9 ‘ whether an resident cr nonresident ot the l'nite·q Statvsz · 1 "1 per centum of the amount of.thr· ne; nstate not In cxvnsn B ut $50,000; · . · __· , ’ ° . , _ "2 per centum of tbe`nm0.unt bg which the unt ¢·<tar•·· ¢>!<·•·€d¤ ' " $50,000 and dcibs not exceed \150,9®; - . "8 par ceutum of the aznonnt bywhlch the net vnmm ggcecds w $150,000_and does not exceeq $250,000; · ,; F4 per centum ct the amount by which thenet eétate exceeds F; /5560,000 and does notexcceé $400,000; _· g ' _ ~ "6 pexj centum 0( R30 amount by which the` nef estate excn€·dS\ . $450,000 and does not ,exceeg!» $750,000; · B "8 per c¥ntum mf he amount by which the u,et·estat¢' GXCGBGS P . $750,000 a¤d_Qoe~s né excceq, $1,000,000; ,.