Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1042

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2472 CONSULAR CON~VEN'HON~—CUBA·. Armr. 22, 1926. consular officers, at the places of los funcionarios censulares de la their respective territories that otra en les lugares de sus respec- they may consider convenient and tivos territories que consideren which are open to consular repre- conveniente y estén abiertos a la sentatives o any foreign country. representacien consular de cual-

 · ‘ ` I tquier pais extranjero.

Anrrcnns II. Aivrxcuno II. N¤ authority ¤¤¢il Consular oflicers may not take Los funcionarios consulares no °m°i°u"°°°‘°i‘°°‘ up the discharge of their duties podran entrar en el desempefio nor enjoy the corresponding priv-Q dzersus fimciones ni gozar de las ileges, until after the Government prerrogativas correseondientes, to which they have been. ap-. .sino después de que e Gobierno pointed shall have granted them ante el cual han sido nombrados their exequatur, except in the les haya otorgado su ‘*exequa- case thatsaid Government, at. tur", salvo en el case de que the·re¢Luestrof the Embassy of sdicho Gobiemo, a peticién de la the »ot er, shall have granted Embagada respective., les hubiere themu provisional recognition. - concs un reconocimiento pro- . · visiona . nxsqmmsmusus. The Government of each of the El Gebierno de cada una de High Contracting Parties shall las Altas Partes Contratantes furnish free `of charge the exequa- otorgara libre de- gastos su "exe- tur of such Cconsu ar officers of quatur" aloe funcionarios con- the.other‘High Contracting Party sulares de la otra Alta Parte as present a re§il6ar. commission Contratante que le presenten una signed by theéc ' f executive of patents Hrmada. pereel Jefe. del the appointi1ig' state and under Poder Eiecutivo; bajo el Gran "g&•;¤tg¤:i¤h¤¤ M ¤¤1> its Great Seal, and shall issue to Selle de a N acion nominadora; °°”‘ a subordinate or substitute con- y e dira _a les funcionarios sular oiiicer appointed `by a su- conslillilres subalternos o susti- pe1·ior consular oflicer with the tutes, nombrades por funciona- `approbation of his Govemment, rios consulares sugeriores con la or by, a1i{’ether competent of- aprobscien de su obierne, o por ficer of *t at Government, such eual uier funcionario competente documents ¥as` according, to the de dicho Gobiemo, ~los docu- laws of the` respective countries mentos que sean necesarios, de shall be requisite for the exercise acuerde ` con las leyes del pats by the appointee of the consular respective para que el funciona- function. rio censuliarpueda desempenar sus funeiones. e Awrrcnn III. Anrrceno III. Enjoyment omgim Consular oflicers to whom the Los funcionarios consulares a g§$;Ng°I$°jgg§_ ‘“°°i exequatur or other documents quienes. se haya otorgado el referred to in- the foregping arti- ‘ exequatur" o los documentos ··e1e have-been issued as all enjoy a que se refiere el articulo ante- all the riihts, immunities, priv- rier, gozarfm de todos los dere- ileges an exemptions (granted chos, mmunidades, prerrogativas by this Convention an those y exenciones otorgadas por este enjoyed by officers of the same Convenie y los qiue disfruten los grade of the most favored Nation. fimcionarios de a misma cate- geiria de la Nacion mas favore- . · C1 a. Anrrcnn IV. ARTICULO IV. cmaamuou ¤¢,_¤s As official agents of the State En su caracter de agentes §‘{§}‘§? °' °""°°"‘°"" which gmpeints them, such con- oiiciales- de la Naeion que los sular 0 cers shall be entitled to nombra, los funcionarios consula-