Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/242

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1918 ~0.0rsII. Ella O. BIIbr. Amanda C. LollI. Mill)' AnD Zebley. Millie I. Croco. Marp-e& A. Walten. Pellllona. Fannie A. DaTta. EUsabeth Role. PeDIIOIIS~ lUll W1IlkIr. ChrIItIna Nauman. EUsabetb Brady. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. I . Cn. 740. 1928. The D8m& of Falinda Anstin, widow of James A. Austin late of Company H, Fifty-fourth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Mounted Infantry; Gd IpaYMI' • penSlOll .t the rate of ~ per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. The'" ,(,If :Lida"O~ Orai" widow of Lewis T. Craig, late of CODJP*D1 0,' 1i';ijhteentb '~ment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and pay, her-. ~ at,. the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that she is now reQel'f.!!1g. Tb'e 'D'aiJitI '&I "EMma WnIiQ" widow of J&me8 B. WilliQ" late of Com~y H, Sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay hel' a peDaiOll at· the ',rate of $GO per month in lieu of 'tnat abe is now receiving. ,' The name· of Ella C. Baker, widow of Scotto B. N. Baker, late of Oompany A, Fifty-eighth Regiment Maa.chUBetta Volunteer InfaDtrj,' sOd pay'her a. ~sion at the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that She is now receiymg. The n&rile of Amanda C. Long widow of Joeeoh S. Long, late of Company K,8eCond &giment Iowa Volunteer. Cavalry, aDd p~y her a penmon at the rate of $50 per month In lieu of that she 11 now receiving. The 'name' Of Ella E. Clark, widow of John W. Clark, late of Company 'H, Second Battalion, Sixteenth Regiment United. States Volunteer InfQt!Y, md 'pay her a pension at the rate of $60 per month m'Jift' of that she 18 now ~iving. The name, o~ Mary Ann Zebley.l . .widow of Samuel ZebleyJ...late of (';OmpUI! D, 'SecoBa :Kepnent united. 8tat8 Volunteer \..iavalry, ahndlpay her a ~on,at the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that s em noWtteeiYing. TheilaDieof Millie L Crooo, widow of Joeeph D. C. Crooo, late of Com~anyA,;Second Regim~t West Vi!'linia Volunteer Infan- try, and poinpany H, Sixth lCegiment West Virginia Volunteer Cav- alry, and 'pay her & pension at the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that she is now reeehing. The name of Marp A. Walters, widow of John W. Walters, late u:oassigned, Fi~.tbird Regiment IDinois Volunteer Infant". Clnd pay her &~on at the rate of ~ per month in lieu of that she is nO'\ft:eeel~. The ntme of Fannie A. Davis, helpl.. and dependent daughtH of SldneJ~W. Dans, late of Company B, Fifty-second Re~ment Kentuekj Volunteer Mounted. Infantl'1, and pay her a pensIOn at the rate of _ ~~ month. The ~ at: Elizabeth Rose, former widow of James M. Haydon. late 'of Company E, Fiftieth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a ~nsion at the rate of $80~r month. TIle name ofJane Walker, widow of George Walker late of Com- pany A, Thh:ty-eighth Reg!!neDt New York Volunteer hfantry, and Company K, Seventeenth Regiment New York Veteran Volunteer Infantry:, and pay her a pension at the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that She is now receiving. The name of Rachel MaSker, widow of John Masker late of Com- pan! D, Thirty-third Regiment New Jerssy Volunteer infantry, and pay her I!- :pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now recer'YUlg. The name of Christin& Nauman, widow of Julius Nauman, late of Company G, Twenty-Bixth 'Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantryl and pay her a~ion at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that 8Ile is now recei . The name of Elizabeth r~dy, widoW of Charles Brady, late of the UnitM States Navy, Civil War, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving.