Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/68

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. I . CH. 28. 1929 . belong or are related, and to the farm or farms of which they or their Punishment for re- families are the occupants ; and any person over eighteen years of age fusel, etc. who, under the conditions hereinbefore stated, shall refuse or will- fully n eglect t o answer any of t hese que stions, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceed- ing $10 0 or be imprison ed not ex ceeding sixty da ys, or b oth, and any such person who shall willfully give answers that are false shall be fined not exceeding $500 or be imprisoned not exceeding one year, or both . Intentionally render- in g inacc urate en umer- And it is hereby made unlawful for any individual, committee, or at ion of populati on to other organization of any kind whatsoever, to offer or render to any a census wful . employees, un- lawful . supervisor, supervisor's clerk, enumerator, interpreter, special agent, or other officer or employee of the Census Office engaged in making an enumeration of population, either directly or indirectly, any sug- gestion, advice, or assistance of any kind, with the intent or purpose of causing an inaccurate enumeration of population to be made, either as to the number of persons resident in any district or community, Punishment for. or in any other respect ; and any individual, or any officer or member of any committee or other organization of any kind whatsoever, who directly or indirectly offers or renders any such suggestion, advice, information, or assistance, with such unlawful intent or purpose, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, thereof shall be fined not exceeding $1,000, or be imprisoned for not exceeding one year, or both, Hotels etc„ required And it shall be the duty of every owner, proprietor, manager, to furnish occupants .names of all superintendent, or agent o a hotel, apartment house, boarding or lodging house, tenement, or other building, when requested by the D irec tor o f the Cen sus, or by any supe rviso r, e numer ator, special agent, or other employee of the Census Office, acting under the i nstructi ons of t he said d irector, to furn ish the names of the occu - pants of said hotel, apartment house, boarding or lodging house, Access to census rep- resentatives. tenement, or other building, and to give thereto free ingr ess a nd egress threfrom to any duly accredited representative of the Census Office, so as to permit the collection of statistics for census purposes, including the proper and correct enumeration of all persons having their usual place of abode in said hotel, apartment house, boarding Punishment for re- or lodging house, tenement, or other building ; and any owner, pro- fnsal, etc' prietor, manager, superintendent, or agent of a hotel, apartment house, boarding or lodging house, tenement, or other building who shall r efuse or willfully neglect to give such information or assistance under the conditions hereinbefore stated shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding $500, omcials of compa- SEC . 10. That it shall be the duty of every owner, official, agent, nfes, etc ., required to answer all questionsin person in charge, or assistant to the person in charge, of any com- cen sus sch edules relat- pany, business, institution, establishment, religious body, or organi- etc,to business thereof, zation of any nature whatsoever, to answer completely and correctly to the best of his knowledge all questions relating to his respective company, business, institution, establishment, religious body, or other organiz ation, or to records or statistics in his official custody, con- ta ined on any censu s schedu le prepa red by t he Direc tor of th e Census under the authority of this Act, or of the Act to provide for a per- manent Census Office, approved March 6, 1902, or of Acts amend- Punishment for will- at ory ther eof or su pplement al there to ; and an y person violati ng the fully refusing, giving false answers, etc . provisions of this section by refusing or willfully neglecting to answer any of said questions, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding $500, or impris- oned for a period not exceeding sixty days, or both so fined and imprisoned, and any person violating the, provisions of this section by willfully giving answers that are false shall be fined not exceeding $10,000 or imprisoned for a period not exceeding one year, or both .