Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/940

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S40 TWENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 83,84, 85, 86. 1842. Not to trade note in the nature of a bank note, nor transact any other kind of busilll lim manner ness, or deal in any other manner or thing than is expressly authorized °§>;?,Tkl·0&°' by the second section of this act; and any officcr or officers who shall doing. y No have assented to any such dealing or trade, shall, on conviction thereof in the proper court, forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars, one half to the use of the poor of the city of Washiugton, District of Columbia, and the other half to the use of the person who may prosecute Pmvigo, for the same: Provided, always, That Congress may, at any time, amend, alter, or annul this act. Approved, July 27, 1842. STATUTE II. """"`-" July 27, jg4g_ CHAP. LXXXIII.-An Act for the relief of Daniel Chase. Be it enacted, dce., That the Secretary of \Var be, and he is hereby, To be placed directed to place the name of Daniel Chase on the invalid pension roll, 01* Pension roll- and that he be entitled to receive at the rate of five dollars and thirty- four cents per month during his natural life, commencing on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty. Avvrtovrzn, July 27, 1842. Snrurrz II. *—""' July 21, ]842_ Can. LX XXIV.—An Act for the relief ry' John Randall and Charles York. Be it enacted, (ye., That John Randall and Charles York be, and Released from they are hereby, released from judgments obtained against them by the °‘"'al" l“d_¥E· United States, in October, eighteen hundred and forty, as sureties of Egglsagggéggf Silas Holmes, deceased, late collector of direct taxes and internal ties, &.c. revenue for the nineteenth collection district of the state of New York, said Randall and York having paid already the costs of recovering said Proviso. judgments: Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to release any other person or persons than said Randall and York. Ar·PrtovEr>, July 27, 1842. Srxrrrrr: II. -——— July 27, 1842. CHAP. LXXXV. -—An .x2clfor the reliefcffames Williams. Be it enacted, <§·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is To he dis- hereby authorized to compromise and finally discharge James Williams glgxgfl lg°m¤ from ajudgmeut had against him in the circuit court of the United m,,,,,_ lu g` States for the District of Columbia, as one of the sureties of Henry Ashton, late marshal of said District, on his securing the payment of one sixth part of the principal of said judgment, on such time as the pmvgm said Secretary, in his discretion, shall see fit to grant: Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall be held to discharge the other sureties of the said Henry Ashton from their liability, or to prevent the enforcement thereof against them, or either of their heirs or representatives; proviso_ Provided, lmwmaer, The Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to compromise and settle with the other sureties, or their representatives, on such terms as to him shall seem just and equitable. APPROVED, July 27, IS42. Srmsurs II. ····*‘ July *27. 1842. CHAP. LXXXVI.-An Aclfm· the rel·irj`0f Thomas Collins. _ Be it enacted, r§}·c., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby To be placed directed to place the name of Thomas Collins, of the state of Tennessee, 0H l>¤¤Sl<>¤ Fvll- upon the roll of invalid pensioners, as a pensioner, at the rate of ninety- six dollars per annum; the pension to commence on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and to continue during his natural life. V APPROVED, July 27, 1842.