Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/297

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TREATY WITH THE CREEKS. 1826. 937 tract of land lying within the said State, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a point on the western bank of the said river, forty-seven miles below the point where the boundary line between the Creeks and Cherokees strikes the Chatahoochie river, near the Buzzard’s Roost, measuring the said distance in a direct line, and not following the meanders of the said river; and from the point of beginning, running in a direct line to a point in the boundary line, between the said Creeks and the Cherokees, thirty miles west of the said Buzzard’s Roost; thence to the Buzzard’s Roost, and thence with the middle of the said river to the place of beginning. ARTICLE 3. Immediately after the ratification of this Treaty, the United States paymemm agree to pay to the Chiefs of the said Nation the sum of two hundred Mid Md0n- and seventeenthousand six hundred dollars to be divided among the Chiefs and Warriors of the said Nation. ARTICLE 4. The United States agree to pay to the said Nation an additional per- Perpetual anpetual annuity of twenty thousand dollars. mms'- ARTICLE 5. The diiiiculties which have arisen in the said nation, in consequence Dimeulties to of the Treaty of the Indian Springs, shall he amicably adjusted, and b¢ ¤di¤¤¢¤d.&<=- that portion of the Creek Nation who signed that treaty shall be admitted to all their privileges, as members of the Creek Nation, it being the earnest wish of the United States, without undertaking to decide upon the complaints of the respective parties, that all causes of dissatisfaction should be removed. ARTICLE 6. That portion of the Creek Nation, known as the friends and follow- A deputation ers of the late General William McIntosh, having intimated to the go. to examine the vernment of the United States their wish to remove west of the Missis- sippi, it is hereby agreed, with their assent, that a deputation of five sts8m,,' gw_ ` persons shall be sent by them, at the expense of the United States, immediately after the ratification of this treaty, to examine the Indian country west of the Mississippi, not within either of the States or Territories, and not possessed by the Choctaws or Cherokees. And the United States agree to purchase for them, if the same can be conveniently done upon reasonable terms, wherever they may select, a country, whose extent shall, in the opinion of the President, be proportioned to their numbers. And if such purchase cannot be thus made, it is then agreed that the selection shall be made where the President may think proper, just reference being had to the wishes of the emigrating party. ARTICLE 7. The emigrating party shall remove within twenty-four months, and Emigratirrg the expense of their removal shall be defrayed by the United_ States. P%\'L¥*°2;€¤¤0V° And such subsistence shall also be furnished them, for a term not ex- $$,3,81 &c_ ceeding twelve months after their arrival at their new residence, as, in the opinion of the President, their numbers and circumstances may require. ARTICLE 8. An agent, or sub-agent and Interpreter, shall be appointed to accom- An agent, sw. pany and reside with them. And a blacksmith and wheelwright shall w b°_gPP°[:'!;°d 8 furnished by the United States. Such assistance shall also be ren- ° w' dered to them in their agricultural operations, as the President may think proper.