Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/26

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XXVI CHAPTER 443.—DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE OR SURPLUS MATERIAL Sec. 4681. Surplus w a r m a t e r i a l: sale to States and foreign governments 4682. Obsolete or excess m a t e r i a l: sale to National Council of Boy Scouts of America 4683. Obsolete or condemned rifles: loan to local units of recognized veterans' organizations 4684. Surplus obsolete o r d n a n c e: sale to patriotic organizations 4685. Obsolete o r d n a n c e: loan to educational institutions and State soldiers and sailors' orphans' homes 4686. Obsolete o r d n a n c e: gift to State homes for soldiers and sailors

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C H A P T E R 445.—INQUESTS; D I S P O S I T I O N OF E F F E C T S OF D E C E A S E D P E R S O N S; C A P T U R E D FLAGS Sec. 4 7 n. Inquests 263 4712. Disposition of effects of deceased persons by s u m m a r y c o u r t - m a r t i a l 264 4713. Disposition of effects of deceased persons by Soldiers' Home 265 4714. Collection of captured flags, standard s, and colors 266 C H A P T E R 447.—TRANSPORTATION Sec. 4741. 4742. 4743. 4744. 4745. 4746. 4747. 4748. 4749.

Control and supervision Control of transportation systems in time of v?ar Officers: use of transportation Persons and supplies: sea transportation Civilian passengers and commercial cargoes: t r a n s p o r t s in transAtlantic service Civilian personnel in Alaska Passengers and merchandise to Guam: sea t r a n s p o r t Motor vehicles: for members on permanent change of station Property: for United States surveys

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C H A P T E R 449.—REAL PROPERTY See. 4771. Acceptance of donations: land for mobilization, training, supply base, or aviation field 4772. Reservation and use for a i r base or testing field 4774. Construction of q u a r t e r s: limitations on space and cost 4775. Q u a r t e r s: officers 4776. Emergency construction: fortifications 4777. Permits: military reservation s; landing ferries, erecting bridges, driving livestock 4778. Licenses: military reservation s; erection and use of buildings; Young Men's Christian Association 4779. Use of public property

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C H A P T E R 451.—MILITARY CLAIMS Sec. 4801. Definition 4802. D a m a g e by United States vessels; tovv^age and salvage of United States vessels 4803. Admiralty claims by United States 4804. Salvage claims by United States 4805. Reports to Congress 4806. Settlement or compromise: final and conclusive

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