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oaths of fifty men to deny wood and field, and three of them under vow to abstain from flesh and woman and horse riding. The measure in denying wood and field is a legal rhandir between open and tangled, and wood and field, and wet and dry ; and such as cannot lawfully deny a rhandir, cannot deny wood and field. It is not waylaying however if it be on a lawful road (fford gyfreith) without hiding and without concealment thereon. If however he is out of the road five legal paces and five feet in each pace, it is a waylaying ; and that is the reason it is so denied, and that a twofold payment is made ; and that is the one instance for which hanging and confiscation are due.

[1]There are seven bishop-houses in Dyved, and Mynyw is the chief in Cymru. Llanismael and Llandegeman and Llanussyllt and Llanteilaw and Llanteulydawc and Llangeneu. The abbots of Teilaw and Teulydawc and Ismael and Degeman should be ordained scholars. Twelve pounds is the ebediw of every one of these, and it is to be paid to the Lord of Dyved ; and those who succeed them are to pay it. Mynyw is free from every due. Llankeneu and Llanussyllt are free from that due because they have no land. Whoever

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