584068Popular Science Monthly — Volume 761910

Table of Contents
January 1910
Halley's Comet 5
The Darwin Celebration at Cambridge 23
Darwin's Probable Place in Future Biology 32
The Evolution of Man and its Control 49
College Diversions 71
The Theory of Style 76
The Transmission of Disease by Money 86
How Could an Explorer Find the Pole? 89
The Progress of Science 99
February 1910
Scientific Faith and Works 105
The Swedish Kristineberg Marine Zoological Station 125
Ernst Haeckel: Darwinist, Monist 136
The Knowledge of Good and Evil 143
Australian Morality 147
The Geographic Aspect of Culture 158
The Scientific Presentation of History 170
The Nature of Fatigue 182
A Great Marine Museum 196
The Progress of Science 203
March 1910
Insects and Entomologists: Their Relation to the Community at Large I 209
The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Its Basis in Intuition and Common Sense 227
Climate in Some of its Relations to Man 246
The Structure of the World-Stuff 269
The Relation of the Law to Public Health 280
International Coinage 287
The Hubbard Glacier, Alaska 293
The Progress of Science 306
April 1910
Laws of Diminishing Environmental Influence 313
The Leading School of Tropical Medicine 337
The Growth of a Language 344
The Denominational College 358
The Trial of an Old Greek Corn-Ring 370
The Population of the United States 382
Preservation of the Fisheries on the High Seas 389
The Research Work of the Tortugas Laboratory 397
The Progress of Science 412
May 1910
Heredity 417
Sneezing, Sea-Sickness, Pain 429
The Circulations of the Atmospheres of the Earth and of the Sun 437
The Reorganization of American Farming 462
Insects and Entomologists: Their Relation to the Community at Large II 467
Ancient Climates of the West Coast 478
Some Tests of Academic Efficiency 487
The Prophecy of Francis Bacon (1560-1910) 495
John Dalton and his Achievement: A Glimpse Across a Century 500
The Progress of Science 515
June 1910
Scientific Work of the Department of Agriculture 521
Instinct and Intelligence in Birds I 532
Two Preventable Causes of Insanity 557
The Indian Fairy Book 565
Scenery, Soil and the Atmosphere 570
The Paleontologic Record I: The Paleontological Society Conference Papers 581
Adequacy of the Paleontologic Record I 582
Adequacy of the Paleontologic Record II 586
Interdependence of Stratigraphy and Paleontology 589
Biologic Principles of Paleogeography I 591
Biologic Principles of Paleogeography II 601
The Case of Harvard College 604
The Progress of Science 615
Index 621