2290627Royal Naval Biography — Campbell, George PryseJohn Marshall

M.P. for the Counties of Cromartie and Nairn, N.B.
[Post-Captain of 1820.]

Youngest son of John, first Lord Cawdor, by Lady Caroline Howard, eldest daughter of Frederick, Earl of Carlisle, K.G.

This officer obtained the rank of lieutenant, Mar. 13, 1811; and was third of the Belvidera frigate, Captain Richard Byron, when that ship fell in with and effected her memorable escape from an American squadron, under Commodore Rodgers, in June, 1812[1]. He was made commander, May 16, 1814; appointed to the Racehorse, of 18 guns, fitting for the Mediterranean station, May 5, 1818; and posted, as an expression of the high sense entertained by the Board of Admiralty of the character and services of his deceased uncle, Admiral Sir George Campbell, Jan. 27, 1821.

Agent.– Messrs. Stilwell.