Wikisource:WikiProject NARA/Presidential calendars

Library Available on Library Web Site Content Searchable Scanned Images or Retyped If Scanned, JPG or PDF Entire Diary Searchable at Once Entire Diary Browseable at Once Where to Click on Web Site Link Notes
NLHH Yes Yes Retyped N/A Yes No Research/Herbert Hoover's Daily Calendar, 1917-1964
NLFDR No, partial version on private site. No Scanned Unknown No No, Only Day by Day Archives/More Online Resources/Day by Day Pare Lorentz is currently scanning images of daily claendar. Current through December 31, 1934.
NLHST Yes Yes Retyped N/A Yes No, Only Day by Day Research/Truman Papers/Appointment Calendar
NLDDE Yes No - Except through Adobe Scanned PDF No, Month by Month No, Only Month by Month Research/Online Documents
NLJFK Yes No Scanned Unknown No No, Only Day by Day Exhibits/Interactive Exhibits
NLLBJ Yes Yes Scanned PDF Yes No Research Collections/LBJ's Daily Diary Date specific searching only works in Firefox. Diary not browesable but you can pull up a specific day by searching for a term on that day's diary.
NLRN Yes Yes Scanned PDF Yes, but search not confined to diaries. No, Only Month by Month Virtual Library/Presidential Daily Diary
NLGRF Yes Yes Scanned PDF Yes No, Only Day by Day Digital Library/Ford Presidency - General/President Ford's Daily Diary
NLJC Yes, but not appendices Yes Scanned PDF Yes, but search not confined to diaries. No, Only Day by Day Documents & Photographs/President's Daily Diary 1977-81
NLRR No. Foundation Web Site No - Except through Adobe Scanned PDF No, Day by Day No, Only Day by Day Ronald Reagan/White House Diary
NLGB No. Partial Version on private site. No - Except through Adobe Scanned PDF No, Month by Month No, Only Month by Month Not linked from Bush Library web site. Miller Center scanned most of first two years before running out of funding.
NLWJC Yes No - Except through Adobe Scanned PDF No, Year by Year No, Only Year by Year Research/Digital Library/President's Daily Schedules
NLWJC (Fist Lady) Yes No - Except through Adobe Scanned PDF No, Year by Year No, Only Year by Year