20806"Style is a greater Social Asset than Beauty" — The Spencer Belt De Luxe

an unnatural position they cannot func­tion properly, and the organs provided by nature for converting food into energy are handicapped in their work. It may be that only one organ will be affected, but usually if one organ sags, the entire contents of the abdomen will be affected.

This sets up a drain upon one's vitality a stealthy, unsuspected drain which robs you of sparkle and buoyancy.

The Spencer, especially designed for the one person who is to wear it, can alone give the fashionable lines with just the right amount of support to prevent the figure from spreading. And it is so com­fortable—so easy and light.

Under the Spencer System, we do not begin to design a garment until we have made a diagnosis of your figure lines. Through the especially trained Spencer Corsetiere we take complete body meas- urements and a description of your figure. When our designers have carefully studied this information, then and not until then, do we know what the lines of your garment should be.

Whether we design for you a Spencer­ette, a girdle, corset, belt or supporting



The Spencer Belt De Luxe

The Spencer Belt De Luxe

Light, easy, made of finest fabric without any elastic. A perfect garment for supporting abdo­men and spine with marvelous comfort.