2833671911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 3 — Avila y Zuniga, Luis de

AVILA Y ZUNIGA, LUIS DE (c. 1490–c. 1560), Spanish historian, was born at Placentia. He was probably of low origin, but married a wealthy heiress of the family of Zuniga, whose name he added to his own. He rose rapidly in the favour of the emperor Charles V., served as ambassador to Rome, and was made grand commander of the order of the Knights of Alcantara. He accompanied the emperor to Africa in 1541, and having served during the war of the league of Schmalkalden, wrote a history of this war entitled Commentarios de la guerra de Alemaña, hecha de Carlos V en el año de 1546 y 1547. This was first printed in 1548, and becoming very popular was translated into French, Dutch, German, Italian and Latin. As may be expected from the author’s intimacy with Charles, the book is very partial to the emperor, and its misrepresentations have been severely criticized.