1922 Encyclopædia Britannica/Bullard, Robert Lee

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13536891922 Encyclopædia Britannica — Bullard, Robert Lee

BULLARD, ROBERT LEE (1861-), American soldier, was born at Youngsboro, Ala., Jan. 15 1861. He graduated from West Point in 1885 and was appointed first lieutenant in 1892. He served in various capacities in the Spanish-American War, and in the Philippines from 1902 to 1904. He was made lieutenant-colonel in 1906. In 1907 he was special investigator for the U.S. provisional Government in Cuba, and the following year was superintendent of public instruction there. In 1911 he was promoted colonel, and in 1917 brigadier-general. He commanded the Second Brigade of the 1st Division of the A.E.F. in France in 1917 and was made major-general N.A. From the middle of Dec. 1917 to the middle of July following he commanded the 1st Division and from Oct. 1918 to the following July the Second Army. In Nov. 1918 he was appointed major-general in the regular army.