For other English-language translations of this work, see The Unknown Guest.
A Book of Czech Verse (1958)
translated by Alfred French
"The Unknown Guest" and "Ave Maria" by K. J. Erben
K. J. Erben3305310A Book of Czech Verse — "The Unknown Guest" and "Ave Maria"1958Alfred French

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Ples a tance, hudba hrála,
zpěv a žerty slyšeti;
a nevěsta jen se smála
v ženichově objetí.

Vzhůru! služte, muži, ženy!”
volá ženich přeblažen;
dům i sklepy otevřeny,
každému, co libo jen!”

Hrají, tančí; a za stolem
host neznámý tu se vzal:
Hoj! s nevěstou třikrát kolem,
svůj život bych za to dal!”

Jednou kolem potančili—
pominul nevěstě smích;
druhé kolo nastoupili—
ona bledá jako sníh.

Aj, co bledne má milenka?
či leká se paměti?
či snad těžko svého Zdenka
na své svatbě viděti?”



Revels, dancing, music playing,
Jest and song on every side;
Laughing in the groom’s embrace
The ever-smiling, happy bride.

Up and help yourselves, good people,”
Cries the bridegroom joyously.
Open every room and cellar,
Take whate’er your fancy be.”

Music plays, they dance; then sudden
Stands a stranger by the groom.
My life for three times round together
With the bride about the room.”

One round they have danced together.
See from her face the laughter go.
They begin the second circle,
She as deadly pale as snow.

Why so pale and wan, my sweetheart?
Is it memories you fear?
Or so hard to see your Zdenyek
At your wedding feast appear?”

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Takto, tanče kolo třetí,
on k ní šepce potichu,
a nevěsta bez paměti
klesá v náruč ženichu.

Hluk a zmatek—smíchy mizí,
všichni spějí na pomoc.
Kdo? kde jest muž onen cizí?”
Pryč—a venku tmavá noc.

Hudba opět, tance, kvasy—
zmizela však veselost:
odneslť ji na vše časy
mladé paní cizí host.

As he whispers to her softly
So they dance the third time round.
In her husband’s arms the maiden
Sinks unconscious to the ground.

Noise, confusion,—laughter ceases;
Each guest quick to aid her plight.
Who, and where the unknown stranger?
Gone,—outside, the gloomy night.

Once more music, dancing, revels:
Fled the joy they had before.
Stolen by the unknown stranger
From the bride for ever more.

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Zdrávas Maria, plná milosti,
Hospodin s tebou v tvé nevinnosti.
Mezi ženami požehnána jsi,
a božský plod tvůj, zdroj naší spásy.
Matičko boží, pros za provinu,
teď i v poslední naši hodinu!


Hail to thee, Mary, full of love;
With thee the very God above;
In thy perfect purity,
Among all women blessed be!
Blessed thy offspring undefiled,
Blessed the heavenly saviour child.
Mother of God, pray now for our sin,
And when our final hour draws in.