Chapters (not listed in original)
- H. (Hudson)
- H. (Hastings)
- H. B.
- H. K. B. E.
- H. L. L.
- H. M. C.
- H—t
- Habert, Isaac
- Had I ten thousand gifts beside
- Haddock, Grace Webster
- Haec illa solemnis dies
- Hagenbach, Carl Rudolph
- Hail, all hail, the joyful morn
- Hail! Alpha and Omega, hail
- Hail, everlasting Spring
- Hail, Father, Whose creating call
- Hail, God the Son, in glory crowned
- Hail, happy day! the (thou) day of holy rest
- Hail, Holy Ghost, Jehovah, Third
- Hail, holy, holy, holy Lord, Let angels, &c.
- Hail, holy martyrs, glorious names
- Hail, Name of Jesus, glorious Name
- Hail, sacred day of earthly rest
- Hail, sovereign love, that first began
- Hail the day that sees Him rise
- Hail the sign, the sign of Jesus
- Hail, thou bright and sacred morn
- Hail, Thou God of grace and glory
- Hail, Thou once despised Jesus
- Hail, Thou source of every blessing
- Hail to the Lord's Anointed
- Hale, Edward Everett
- Hale, Mary Whitwell
- Hale, Sarah Josepha, née Buell
- Hall, Christopher Newman
- Hall, William John
- Hallelujah = Alleluia
- Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hearts to heaven and voices raise
- Hallelujah! He cometh with clouds and with light
- Hallelujah! joyful raise
- Hallelujah! Lob, Preis und Ehr
- Hallelujah! Raise, O raise
- Halt an, mein Herz, in deinem Glauben
- Hamilton, James (1814-1867)
- Hamilton, James (1819-1896)
- Hamilton, Richard Winter
- Hammond, William
- Hankey, Katherine
- Hankinson, Thomas Edwards
- Happiness, thou lovely name
- Happy day of union sweet
- Happy is he that fears the Lord
- Happy man (child) whom God doth aid
- Happy sons of Israel
- Happy (saint) soul that free from harms
- Happy soul, thy days are ended (ending)
- Happy the heart where graces reign
- Happy the man who (that) finds the grace
- Happy the souls that first believed
- Harbaugh, Henry
- Harbottle, Joseph
- Harcourt, William Vernon
- Hardenberg, Georg Friedrich Philipp von
- Hark, a voice divides the sky
- Hark, for 'tis God's own Son that calls
- Hark, from the tombs a doleful (warning) sound
- Hark, hark, my soul: Angelic songs are swelling
- Hark, hark, the organ loudly peals
- Hark, how all the welkin rings
- Hark, how the watchmen cry
- Hark, in the presence of our God
- Hark, my (dull) soul, how everything
- Hark, my soul, it is the Lord
- Hark, round the God of love
- Hark, she bids all her friends adieu
- Hark, ten thousand harps and voices
- Hark, ten thousand voices cry
- Hark! the glad sound, the Saviour comes
- Hark, the loud triumphant strains
- Hark, the nightly church-bell numbers
- Hark, the song of jubilee
- Hark, the sound of holy voices, chanting at the crystal sea
- Hark, the voice of Jesus calling, Come ye laden, &c.
- Hark, the voice of love and mercy
- Hark, through the courts of heaven
- Hark! what mean those holy voices
- Harland, Edward
- Harmer, Samuel Young
- Harp and voice Thy praises telling
- Harp, awake! tell out the story
- Harris, John
- Harsdörffer, Georg Philipp
- Hart, Joseph
- Hartmann von der Aue
- Haste, traveller, haste! the night comes on
- Hasten, (O) sinner, to be wise
- Hastings, Horace Lorenzo
- Hastings, Lady Flora
- Hastings, Thomas
- Hatfield, Edwin Francis
- Have faith in truth
- Have mercy, Lord, on me
- Have mercy on us, God Most High
- Have you ever brought a penny to the missionary box?
- Havergal, Frances Ridley
- Havergal, William Henry
- Haweis, Thomas
- Hawker, Robert
- Hawker, Robert Stephen
- Hawkesworth, John
- Hawkins, Ernest
- Hawks, Annie Sherwood
- Hayn, Henriette Luise von
- He cometh, on yon hallowed Board
- He dies! the Heavenly Lover dies
- He filled the cup with wine, and said
- He has come! the Christ of God
- He is coming, He is coming, Not as once, &c.
- He is gone—Beyond the skies
- He is risen! He is risen! Tell it with a joyful sound
- He lives! the great Redeemer lives
- He sendeth sun, He sendeth shower
- He that is down needs fear no fall
- He was there alone, when even
- He who walks in virtue's (God's true) way
- He wills that I should holy be
- Head of Thy (the) Church triumphant
- Headlam, Margaret Ann
- Heal us, Emmanuel, here we are
- Hear, Lord, the songs of praise and prayer
- Hear what God the Lord hath spoken
- Hearken, ye children of your God
- Hearn, Marianne
- Heathcote, William Veadon
- Heavenly Father, Sovereign Lord, Ever faithful, &c.
- Heavenly Father, to Whose eye
- Heber, Reginald
- Hedge, Frederick Henry
- Heerman, Johann
- Hegenwalt, Erhart
- Heginbothom, Ottiwell
- Hehl, Matthäus Gottfried
- Heinrich Ernst
- Heinrich of Laufenburg
- Heinrich of Meissen
- Held, Heinrich
- Helder, Bartholomäus
- Helmbold, Ludwig
- Help, Lord, for men of virtue fail
- Help, Lord! the busy foe
- Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, née Browne
- Hence, vain intruding world, depart
- Henley, John
- Henley, Matthew
- Hensel, Luise
- Hensley, Lewis
- Herberger, Valerius
- Herbert, Daniel
- Herbert, George
- Herbert, Petrus
- Here at Thy Cross, my dying God
- Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face
- Here we suffer grief and pain
- Heri mundis exultavit
- Herman, Nicolaus
- Hernaman, Claudia Frances, née Ibotson
- Herr, des Tages Mühen und Beschwerden
- Herr, grosser Gott, dich loben wir
- Herr, lasse unser Schiffein heute
- Herrick, Robert
- Herrmann, Johann Gottfried
- Hertzog, Johann Friedrich
- Hervey, James
- Herz der göttlichen Natur
- Herz und Herz vereint zusammen
- Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen
- He's gone! see where His body lay
- He's gone! the spotless soul is gone
- Hesse, Johann
- Hessenthaler, Magnus
- Heu! Heu! mala mundi vita
- Heunisch, Caspar
- Heusser-Schweizer, Meta
- Heut ist des Herren Ruhetag
- Heut ist defahren Gottes Sohn
- Hewett, John William
- Hey, Johann Wilhelm
- Hic reparandum generator fons animarum
- Hie to the mountain afar
- Hier legt mein Sinn sich vor dir nieder
- Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
- High in yonder realms of light
- High let us swell our tuneful notes
- High Priest for sinners, Jesus, Lord
- Hilary, Hilarius Pictaviensis
- Hildebert
- Hildegard, St.
- Hilf, Herr Jesu, lass gelingen
- Hill, Rowland
- Hill, Stephen P.
- Hill, Thomas
- Hiller, Friedrich Conrad
- Hiller, Philipp Friedrich
- Hillhouse, Augustus Lucas
- Himmel, Erde, Luft und Meer
- Himmelan geht unsre Bahn
- Hincks, Thomas
- Hinds, Samuel
- Hinsdale, Grace Webster, née Haddock
- Hinton, John Howard
- Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb von
- His Master taken from his head
- Ho, ye that thirst, approach the spring
- Hobson, John Philip
- Hochheilige Dreifaltigkeit
- Höchster Priester, der du dich
- Hodenberg, Bodo von
- Höfel, Johann
- Hoffmann, Gottfried
- Hogg, James
- Hohlfeldt, Christoph Christian
- Hold up thy mirror to the sun
- Holden, Oliver
- Holiest, Holiest, hearken in love
- Holland, John
- Holland, Josiah Gilbert
- Holme, James
- Holme, Thomas
- Holmes, Elizabeth
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell
- Hölty, Ludwig Heinrich Christoph
- Holy and reverend is (His) the Name
- Holy Bible, book Divine
- Holy Ghost, come down upon Thy children
- Holy Ghost, Thou source of light
- Holy Ghost, Whose fire celestial
- Holy, holy, holy Lord, Ever by Thy Name adored
- Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty
- Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of Hosts! When heaven and earth
- Holy Jesus, in Whose (Thy) Name
- Holy Jesus, mighty Lord
- Holy Jesus, Saviour blest
- Holy offerings, rich and rare (Lord we bear)
- Holy Spirit, Lord of glory
- Homburg, Ernst Christoph
- Homo Dei creatura
- Hood, Edwin Paxton
- Hook, Walter Farquhar
- Hooper, Emma
- Hooper, Mary Fawler
- Hopkins, John
- Hopkins, John Henry
- Hopkins, Josiah
- Hopper, Edward
- Hopps, John Page
- Hora novissima, tempora pessima sunt, vigilemus
- Hordle, William
- Hornblower, Jane
- Horne, George
- Horne, William Wales
- Horres superbos, nec tuam
- Horst; Horstius, J. M.
- Hosanna to the living Lord
- Hosianna David's Sohn
- Hoskins, Joseph
- Hoste dum victo triumphans
- Houlditch, Anne
- House of our God, with cheerful anthems ring
- How blest the man who never trod
- How blest Thy creature is, O God
- How can a sinner know
- How few and evil are thy days
- How few receive with cordial faith
- How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
- How grand and how bright That wonderful night
- How great the wisdom, power, and grace
- How happy are those children who
- How happy every child of grace
- How happy is the pilgrim's lot
- How happy the pair whom Jesus unites
- How honourable is the place
- How long shall dreams of creature (earthly) bliss?
- How many pass the guilty night
- How precious is the book divine
- How rich Thy bounty, King of kings
- How sad our state by nature is
- How shall a contrite (sinner) spirit pray
- How shall I follow Him I serve
- How should the sons of Adam's race
- How still and peaceful is the grave
- How sweet and awful is the place
- How sweet from crowded throngs
- How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
- How sweetly flowed the Gospel's sound
- How truly do I love Thee, Lord
- How vast the treasure we possess
- How welcome was the call
- How, William Walsham
- Howard, Caroline
- Howitt, Mary, née Botham
- Huc ad montem Calvariae
- Hues of the rich unfolding morn
- Hughes, Thomas
- Huie, Richard
- Hujus diei gloria
- Hull, Amelia Matilda
- Hull, William Winstanley
- Humani generis cessent suspiria
- Humble souls who seek salvation
- Humbly, my God, with Thee I walk
- Humphreys, Cecil Frances
- Humphreys, Joseph
- Hunter, William
- Huntingdon's Hymn-Books, Countess of
- Huntingdon, Selina, née Shirley, Countess of
- Huntington, Frederic Dan
- Huntington, Emily
- Huntley, Lydia
- Hupton, Job
- Hurditch, Charles Russell
- Hurlburt, William Henry
- Hurn, William
- Husband, Edward
- Hushed the storm that lately raved
- Hushed was the evening hymn
- Huss, John
- Hutten, Ulrich von
- Hutton, James
- Hyde, abby Bradley
- Hymn of Justinian
- Hymnarium
- Hymnum canamus Domino (gloriae)
- Hymnum canentes martyrum