A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Proch, Heinrich
PROCH, Heinrich, well-known composer of Lieder, Capellmeister, and teacher of singing, born July 22, 1809, in Vienna; was destined for the law, but studied the violin with enthusiasm, and in 1833–34 frequently played in public in Vienna. He became in 1837 Capellmeister of the Josephstadt theatre, Vienna, and in 1840 of the Court opera, retiring with a pension in 1870. On the foundation of the shortlived Comic Opera in 1874 he was appointed its Capellmeister. His popularity is mainly due to his Lieder, among the best-known of which we may cite 'Das Alpenhorn.' He trained a large number of celebrated singers—among others Dustmann, Csillag, and Tietjens. Several good German translations of Italian operas—the Trovatore for example—are from his pen. Proch died Dec. 18, 1878. His daughter Louise is a singer and actress of some ability, with a powerful mezzo-soprano voice.
[ F. G. ]