A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Akish, Wilderness of

1802075A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon — Akish, Wilderness ofGeorge Reynolds

AKISH, WILDERNESS OF. A place in North America, apparently not far from the Atlantic coast. Here a severe battle was fought in the last great war which ended in the extinction of the Jaredite race. The conflict was between the armies of Gilead and Coriantumr in which many thousands were slain. It appears to have been indecisive, as Gilead remained in the wilderness and Coriantumr lay siege thereto. But one night Gilead unexpectedly sallied forth and slew a part of the army of his enemy, they being drunken. This, for the time being, gave him the advantage. In a later campaign, after Gilead had been assassinated, a battle was fought between Coriantumr and Lib in which the latter was victorious, and the former fled to the wilderness of Akish, but being pursued by Lib, he continued his retreat to the plains of Agosh where another desperate conflict occurred.