A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Baldey, Robert

1631296A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Baldey, RobertWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BALDEY. (Commander, 1821. f-p., 20; h-p., 27.)

Robert Baldey entered the Navy, in Oct. 1798, as Midshipman, on board the Renown 74, Capt. Albemarle Bertie, stationed in the Channel, where he continued to serve, until April, 1802, in the Barfleur 98, flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Collingwood, Windsor Castle 74, commanded by various Captains, bearing the flag for some time of Sir Andrew Mitchell, and, as Master’s Mate, in the Malta 80, Capt. A. Bertie. Joining, in Nov. of the latter year, the Calcutta armee-en-flute, Capt. Dan. Woodriffe, he proceeded to Van Diemen’s Land, and, after witnessing the formation of the settlement at Hobart’s Town, was employed for 17 weeks, on the Africa and Jamaica stations, in the Success 32, Capt. Geo. Scott. He then, in 1806, returned home with convoy, as Acting-Lieutenant of the Atlas 74, Capt. Sam. Pym; after which he officiated, for two years and a half, as Master’s Mate and Acting-Lieutenant, in La Virginie 38, Capt. Edw. Brace, and Bellerophon and Leopard, flag-ships of Rear-Admiral A. Bertie, on the Irish, Channel, and Cape stations. Being at length promoted by the Admiralty, 27 Sept. 1809, into the Sapphire 18, he continued to serve in that vessel, in the West Indies, under different- officers, until 1814; in the summer of which year we find him assuming the successive command of the Variable and Découverte schooners. Having returned to England, in Sept. 1815, on board the Rinaldo 10, Capt. John Undrell, he was next appointed First Lieutenant, 1 Sept. 1818, of the Leven 24, Capt. David Ewen Bartholomew, on whose death, after surveying the coast of Africa, the Azores, and Cape Verd Islands, he succeeded to the acting-command, 19 Feb. 1821. He was confirmed, on his arrival at Spithead, by commission dated 26 July, 1821, but has not since been employed.

He is married, and has issue. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.