A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Bluett, John Courtney

1638491A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Bluett, John CourtneyWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BLUETT. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 9; h-p., 31.)

John Courtney Bluett was born 10 Aug. 1792.

This officer entered the Navy, 2 April, 1807, as Sec.-cl. Boy, on board the Agamemnon 64, Capt. Jonas Rose, and, after assisting as Midshipman at the siege of Copenhagen, was wrecked in the Rio de la Plata, 20 June, 1809. He subsequently served in the Foudroyant 80, bearing the flag in South America of Hon. Michael De Couroy; Mutine 18, Capt. Nevinson De Courcy, with whom he returned to England in April, 1812; Bellerophon and Scarborough 74’s, flag-ships off the Texel of Rear-Admiral John Ferrier; and Tonnant 80, flag-ship of Hon. Sir Alex. Cochrane, under whom he served in the Chesapeake, and attended the expedition to New Orleans in 1814-15. On 3 Feb. in the latter year Mr. Bluett, who had passed his examination on 7 April, 1813, was appointed Acting-Lieutenant of the Calliope 10, Capt. Alex. M‘Konochie, to which vessel he was confirmed by the Admiralty on 28 of the same month. He returned to England and was paid off in the following September, and has since been on half-pay. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.