A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Carter, Robert (b)

1651679A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Carter, Robert (b)William Richard O'Byrne

CARTER. (Lieut., 1812. f-p., 10; h-p., 38.)

Robert Carter (b) entered the Navy, 29 Sept. 1799, as Admiral’s Servant, on board the Agincourt 64, Capt. John Bligh, bearing the flag at Newfoundland of the Hon. Wm. Waldegrave, from which ship he was discharged in March, 1800. He re-embarked, 16 May; 1805, on board the Isis 50, flag-ship in succession of Vice-Admirals Sir Erasmus Gower and John Holloway, on the same station, where he continued chiefly to serve, until the conclusion of the war, as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, in the Jamaica 28, Capt. Arthur Lysaght, Antelope 50, bearing the flag of Sir John Thos. Duckworth, and Avenger sloop, Capt. Johnson, and, as Lieutenant (commission dated 2 Dec. 1812), in the Hazard sloop, Capt. John Cookesley. He has not been afloat since 1814.