A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Dobbie, William Hugh

1688145A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Dobbie, William HughWilliam Richard O'Byrne

DOBBIE. (Commander, 1846.)

William Hugh Dobbie is eldest son of the late Capt. Wm. Hugh Dobbie, R.N. (1806), Deputy-Lieutenant for the co. of Essex, and a very gallant officer, by Agatha Shedden, third daughter of Bartlet Goodrich, Esq., of Saling Grove, in the same county; nephew of Geo. Dobbie, Esq., Surgeon in H.M. 75th Regiment, who fell a victim to the climate of India about the commencement of the present century; and great-grandson of Sam. Staples, Esq., a naval officer, who died on board the Grafton of 70 guns, during the siege of Pondicherry, in 1761. One of Commander Debbie’s sisters is married to a son of John Benbow, Esq., M.P. for Dudley, a descendant of the celebrated Admiral Benbow.

This officer passed his examination in 1831; and obtained his first commission 26 Dec. 1887. His succeeding appointments were – 1 March, 1838, to the Excellent, gunnery-ship at Portsmouth, Capt. Thos. Hastings – 12 April, 1839, and 17 July, 1840, to the Belleisle 72, Capt. John Toup Nicolas, and Ganges 84, Capt. Barrington Reynolds, both on the Mediterranean station – 10 Oct. 1842, again to the Excellent, as First-Lieutenant – and, 9 March, 1843, in a similar capacity, to the Rose 18, Capts. Henry Rich. Sturt and Rich. Wilson Pelly. He served in the latter sloop, on the North America and West India stations, until advanced to his present rank, 9 Nov. 1846, since which period he has been on half-pay.

Commander Dobbie married, 22 Nov. 1842, Lucy Anne, eldest daughter of F. Jessop, Esq.