A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Duval, Francis

1698518A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Duval, FrancisWilliam Richard O'Byrne

DUVAL. (Commander, 1814. f-p., 15; h-p., 33.)

Francis Duval entered the Navy, in 1799, as A.B., on board the Zealous 74, Capt. Sam. Hood, and on removing, as Midshipman, to the Andromeda 32, Capt. Henry Inman, was present in an attack made on a French squadron in Dunkerque Roads, 7 July, 1800. After serving for two years with Capts. Inman and Rich. Dacres, in La Désirée frigate, a prize taken on that occcasion, he joined the Blenheim 74, bearing the broad pendant in the West Indies of his old Captain, Commodore Hood; on his successive transference from which ship to the Cvane and Barbadoes, Capts. Murray Maxwell and Joseph Nourse, we find him co-operating, as Master’s Mate, in the reduction of Ste. Lucie, 22 June, 1803, and assisting at the capture of six privateers, carrying altogether 72 guns and 537 men. Between Oct. 1805, and Oct. 1806, Mr. Duval further served on board L’Athénienne 64, and Zealous 74, both commanded by Capt. John Giffard; for a wound he received in the former of which ships, while participating, we believe, in the defence of Gaeta, he was subsequently presented with a gratuity from the Patriotic Fund. He was promoted, from the Ocean 98, bearing the flag off Cadiz of Lord Collingwood, to an Acting-Lieutenancy, 13 May, 1807, in the Unité 36, Capt. Patrick Campbell, on the Mediterranean station, where he was confirmed 26 Nov. following. In the early part of 1808 he was placed in charge of a prize, which, after encountering much bad weather, foundered about 20 miles N.E. of Manopoli, in the Adriatic. Having reached that place in a small boat, he was made prisoner, sent to Naples, and there confined for a considerable time in the Castle of Carmine. He regained his liberty 30 Dec. 1813; and on 15 June, 1814, was advanced to his present rank. Commander Duval has not since been employed. Agents – Messrs. Ommanney.