1712673A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Fisher, JohnWilliam Richard O'Byrne

FISHER. (Commander, 1814. f-p., 17; h-p., 33.)

John Fisher entered the Navy, in 1797, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Puissant 74, Capt. Allen, guard-ship at Portsmouth. In May, 1800, he became Midshipman of the Stately 64, Capt. Geo. Scott, on the Mediterranean station, where he witnessed the fall of Genoa in 1800; served, during the Egyptian expedition of 1801, at the landing of the troops in Aboukir Bay, as also with the army in the battles of 13 and 21 March; and was wounded in the cheek while co-operating in the defence of Porto Ferrajo, in the island of Elba. After an attachment of a few months to the Adamant 50, Capt. Geo. Burlton, and Success 32, Capt. G. Scott, he obtained a Lieutenancy, 6 Aug. 1805, in the Trompeuse 18, Capt. Wm. Brooking Dolling, and, on 11 Jan. 1806, was next appointed to the Resolution 74, commanded also by Capt. Burlton; under whom ho served, in ,1808, at the blockade of the Russian squadron in the Tagus, and assisted, in Jan. 1809, at the destruction of three transports under a heavy fire from the enemy’s batteries, besides witnessing the embarkation of the remains of Sir John Moore’s army at Corunna. On the latter occasion Mr. Fisher brought home, in a transport which had been abandoned by her crew, a company of the 9th Regt. of Infantry, under the command of the present Sir Wm. Maynard Gomm, which but for him would have been captured. For this service he received the thanks of the Lords of the Admiralty. . He was afterwards employed, on the Halifax and West India stations, in the Martin 18, Capt. John Evans, and Dragon 74, bearing the flag of Sir Eras. Laforey. In March, 1814, he became Acting-Commander of the Goree 18, at Bermuda; and on 7 June following he was confirmed in the Wasp 16. Since his return from North America, in Sept. 1815, Commander Fisher has been on half-pay.

He now holds the appointment of Principal and Superintendent Harbour-Master of the Port of London. He is married, and has issue.