A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Forbes, Thomas George

1717074A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Forbes, Thomas GeorgeWilliam Richard O'Byrne

FORBES. (Commander, 1842. f-p., 17; h-p., 8.)

Thomas George Forbes entered the Navy, 18 May, 1822, as a Volunteer, on board the Impregnable 104, Capt. Alex. Skene, guard-ship at Plymouth, where he removed, in Jan. 1823, to the Britannia 120, Capt. Wm. Henry Bruce. Between April, 1824, and the year 1829, when he passed his examination, he served,, on the South American. Home, and Mediterranean stations, in the Tweed 28, Capt. Fred. Hunn, Spartiate 76, flagship of Sir Geo. Eyre, Doris 42, Capt. Wm. Jas. Hope Johnstone, Briton 46, Capt. Sir Murray Maxwell, Cadmus 10, Capt. Chas. Hallowell, Dartmouth 42, Capt. Thos. Felloweg, Zebra 18, Capt. Popham, and Kent 78, Capt. John Ferris Devonshire. During his attachment to the Dartmouth, Mr. Forbes was present in the battle of Navarin 20 Oct. 1827, and on that occasion was employed in the boats towing the fire-vessels dear of his own frigaite, and also of the, French ships Scipion and Sirène. After officiating for about 18 months as Mate of the Seringapatam 46, Capt. Hon. Wm. Waldegrave, on the South American station, he was there appointed Acting-Lieutenant, 20 Dec. 1830, of the Warspite 76, bearing the flag of Sir Thos. Baker, to which ship he was confirmed by commission dated 5 Jan. 1832. His succeeding appointments, we find were, on the same, and on the Home, Lisbon, and Mediterranean stations – 20 March, 1832, to the Lightning 18, Capt. Thos. Dickinson – 31 Oct. 1832. to the Malabar 74, Capts. Hon. Josceline Percy and Henry Shovell Marshamr – 28 March, 1836, to the Cornwallis 74, Capts. Robt. Worgan Geo. Festing and Sir Joshua Ricketts Rowley – and, 11 Feb. 1837, to the Princess Charlotte 104, bearing the flag of Sir Robt. Stopford. While in the latter ship, in 1840, Mr. Forbes witnessed the fall of Beyrout, was employed in erecting defences at D’Journi, and assisted at the bombardment of St. Jean d’Acre. He was paid off 30 July, 1841, and has not since been employed. His last promotion took place 10 Nov. 1842.