A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Goldie, Alexander Taubman

1723178A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Goldie, Alexander TaubmanWilliam Richard O'Byrne

GOLDIE. (Commander, 1839. f-p., 18; h-p., 5.)

Alexander Taubman Goldie, born 24 Jan. 1811, is third son of General Alex. John Goldie, of the Nunnery, Isle of Man.

This officer entered the Navy, 28 Dec. 1824, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Brazen 26, Capt. Geo. Wickens Willes, in which frigate, and in the Ganges 84, and Druid 46, Capts. Sam. Hood Inglefield and Gawen Wm. Hamilton, he served the whole of his time on the African and South American stations. He obtained his first commission 30 May, 1832; was afterwards appointed, 23 April, 1833, and 3 Feb. 1838, to the Volage and Andromeda 28’s, Capts. Geo. Bohun Martin, Peter Richards, and Robt. Lambert Baynes, on the Mediterranean and North America and West India stations; acquired his present rank 9 May, 1839; and, from 23 March, 1841, until 1846, was employed as an Inspecting Commander in the Coast Guard. He has since been on half-pay.

Commander Goldie married, 14 July, 1841, Mary, youngest daughter of Rich. Simpson, Esq., of the Cliffe, Isle of Man, by whom he has issue two daughters. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.