1773451A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Jones, RichardWilliam Richard O'Byrne

JONES. (Commander, 1844.)

Richard Jones died 7 May, 1847, at Southsea.

This officer entered the Navy, in 1811, as Sec.-cl. Boy, on board the Orlando 36, Capt. John Clavell, in which frigate, after serving on the Mediterranean and North American stations, he proceeded, as Midshipman, to the East Indies, whence he returned to England with the same Captain, in the Malabar 74, in 1819. In July, 1820, he assumed the duties of Master on board the Morgiana sloop, Capt. Wm. Finlaison, on the African station, where, it appears, he subsequently officiated as Acting-Lieutenant of the same vessel, and as Admiralty-Midshipman of the Owen Glendower 42, Commodore Sir Robt. Mends, until within a short period of his being confirmed, 26 May, 1823, into the Bann 20, Capt. Chas. Phillips. He invalided home, after having acted for some months as Commander of the Bann, in Oct. 1823; and was next appointed – 18 May, 1824, and 5 March, 1825, as a Supernumerary, to the Ramillies 74, and Hyperion 42, Coast Blockade ships, Capts. Wm. M‘Culloch and Wm. Jas. Mingaye – 26 June, 1829, to the Coast Guard – 27 June, 1837, to the command of the Defence Revenue-vessel – 11 June, 1840, again to the Coast Guard – and, 27 July, 1844, to the Victory 104, flag-ship of the Admiral-Superintendent at Portsmouth, Rear-Admiral Hyde Parker. Being the only Lieutenant on board the latter ship on the occasion of Her Majesty’s visit, he was in consequence promoted to the rank of Commander by commission dated 22 Oct. 1844.

He has left five motherless sons in a state of destitution.