1777991A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Kerr, JamesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

KERR. (Lieutenant, 1812. f-p., 10; h-p., 31.)

James Kerr was born 30 March, 1791.

This officer entered the Navy, 25 April, 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Theseus 74, Capt. Geo. Hope, employed at the Cape of Good Hope. In Nov. 1807, after he had been for a short time attached to the Ganges 74, commanded in the Baltic by Capt. Peter Halkett, he rejoined Capt. Hope as Midshipman in the Pompée 74, then lying at Chatham. From March, 1808, until Oct. 1811, we again find him in the Baltic on board the Victory 100, flag-ship of Sir Jas. Saumarez, and Tartar frigate, Capt. Joseph Baker. He was then received into the Namur 74, bearing the flag at the Nore of Sir Thos. Williams; on leaving whom, in May, 1812, he went back to the Victory. He was confirmed a Lieutenant, 20 Nov. 1812, in the Plover sloop, Capt. Colin Campbell; and was subsequently, on his return from a voyage to Quebec, appointed – 24 Dec. 1813, and 3 Hay, 1814, to the Scarborough and Achille 74’s, flag-ships in the North Sea and at the Brazils of Admirals John Ferrier and Manley Dixon – and, 28 Aug. 1815, to the Alert 18, Capt. John Smith, on the Home station. He has been. on half-pay since 1816.

Lieut. Kerr married, 1 Jan. 1833, Helen, eldest daughter of the late Adam Smith, Esq., of Stockbridge; and has issue one son.