A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Le Neve, Anselm Peter

1802425A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Le Neve, Anselm PeterWilliam Richard O'Byrne

LE NEVE. (Lieut., 1814. f-p., 9; h-p., 32.)

Anselm Peter Le Neve entered the Navy, 25 Dec. 1806, as L. M., on board the Majestic 74, Capts. Geo. Hart, Valentine Collard, Matthew Forster, Fred. Watkins, and Thos. Harvey. While in that ship, which bore the flag of Vice-Admiral Thos. Macnamara Russell, we find him present as Midshipman at the surrender of Heligoland in Sept. 1807, and afterwards employed in escorting the trade through the Great Belt, where he constantly came into collision with the Danish gun-boats. Removing, in Feb. 1810, to the Grampus 50, Capt. Wm. Hanwell, he accompanied a convoy in that ship to China; on his return whence, in Dec. 1811, he joined the Maidstone 36, Capts. Geo. Burdett and Wm. Skipsey, with whom, until Dec. 1814, he served as Master’s Mate on the North American station. He then took up a commission bearing date 25 July in the latter year; and was lastly, from 24 Nov. 1815 until 6 June, 1816, employed with Capts. Wm. Skipsey and Edw. Chetham, in the Leander 50, on Home service. Agent – Joseph Woodhead.