A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Lethbridge, Robert

1803198A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Lethbridge, RobertWilliam Richard O'Byrne

LETHBRIDGE. (Lieutenant, 1811. f-p., 11; h-p., 33.)

Robert Lethbridge entered the Navy, 5 Dec. 1803, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Princess Royal 98, Capts. Jas. Vashon, Herbert Sawyer, and Robt. Carthew Reynolds; of which ship; stationed in the Channel, he became Midshipman 7 April, 1804. Removing, in May, 1805, to the Unité 36, Capts. Chas. Ogle and Pat. Campbell, he was for five .years and a half employed under those officers on the Mediterranean station, where – besides assisting, in May, 1808, at the taking of Il Ronco brig of war, of 16 guns and 100 men, and, in June following, at the simultaneous capture of the Nettuno and Toulie, of similar force – he commanded one of six boats belonging to the Unité and Topaze in an affair near Toulon, and was officially commended for his conduct in defending, in a 10-oared cutter, four prizes, taken on the occasion, against the subsequent attacks of six armed boats. On 29 Oct. 1810, and 17 Jan. 1811, he was successively appointed an acting and a confirmed Lieutenant of the York 74, Capts. Robt. Barton and Alex. Wilmot Schomberg, with whom we find him successively employed in the Mediterranean and North Sea until May, 1813. His last appointment was, on 9 Nov. in the latter year, to the Conquestador 74, Capt. Lord Wm. Stuart, stationed at first in the Channel and then in the West Indies, whence he returned in Sept. 1814. Agents – Pettet and Newton.