A Naval Biographical Dictionary/May, Philip William

1832648A Naval Biographical Dictionary — May, Philip WilliamWilliam Richard O'Byrne

MAY. (Lieutenant, 1845.)

Philip William May entered the Navy In 1831; passed his examination 27 Sept. 1838; and, in 1842, after having gone through a course of study at the Royal Naval College, was successively appointed Mate of the Carysfort 26, Capt. Lord Geo. Paulet, and Agincourt 72, bearing the flag of Sir Thos. John Cochrane. While in the latter ship, on the East India station, we find him serving, 19 Aug. 1845, with the boats of a squadron, carrying altogether 530 officers, seamen, and marines, at the destruction, under Capt. Chas. Talbot, of the piratical settlement of Malloodoo, on the north end of the island of Borneo, where the British encountered a desperate opposition, and sustained a loss of 6 men killed and 15 wounded. He was rewarded for his conduct on the occasion by a commission bearing date the day of the occurrence; and continued attached to the Agincourt, in the capacity of Additional Lieutenant, until paid off in the summer of 1847.