A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Norway, Nevil

1855885A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Norway, NevilWilliam Richard O'Byrne

NORWAY. (Lieut., 1838. f-p., 13; h-p., 11.)

Nevil Norway was born on 20 April 1807. He is nephew maternally of Commander Rich. Moorman (a), R.N., K.F.M.

This officer entered the Navy, 18 May, 1823, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Hussar 46, Capt. Geo. Harris. After a servitude of three years and a half in the West Indies, part of the time in the capacity of Midshipman, he joined, towards the close of 1826, the Prince Regent 120, bearing the flag of Sir Robt. Moorsom at Chatham; and he was next, from July, 1827, until June, 1829 (in the course of which month he passed his examination), employed, chiefly on the Mediterranean station, in the Isis 50, Capt. Sir Thos. Staines, and Brisk 10, Capt. Smith. He then became Mate of the Victory 104, Capt. Hon. Geo. Elliot, lying at Portsmouth, as he subsequently did, in March, 1830, of the Asia 84, Capts. Hyde Parker and Peter Richards, on the Lisbon station – in Oct. 1833, for a few weeks, of the San Josef 110, Capt. Gordon Thos. Falcon, at Plymouth – and, in Oct. 1837, of the Rodney 92, Capt. Hyde Parker, in the Mediterranean. Attaining the rank of Lieutenant 28 June, 1838, he was successively appointed in that capacity, on the Lisbon and Mediterranean stations – 18 Oct. 1838, to the Ganges 84, Capt. Barrington Reynolds – and, in 1839-40, to the Hydra and Phoenix steamers, Capts. Anthony Wm. Milward and Robt. Fanshawe Stopford. In the latter vessel he was present throughout the operations on the coast of Syria, including the bombardment of St. Jean d’Acre. He has been on half-pay since Dec. 1840.

He married, 15 June, 1843, Judith Catherine, only child of the late N. Cole, Esq., of Trebyan. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.