A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Patey, George Edwin

1868493A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Patey, George EdwinWilliam Richard O'Byrne

PATEY. (Commander, 1846.)

George Edwin Patey is son of Retired Commander Chas. Patey, R.N.

This officer passed his examination in 1833; was promoted, for his services on the coast of Syria, to the rank of Lieutenant 4 Nov. 1840; and was subsequently appointed – 15 Dec. 1840, to the Carysfort 26, Capt. Henry Byam Martin, attached to the force in the Mediterranean – 9 Dec. 1841, to the Caledonia 120, flag-ship of Sir Graham Moore at Plymouth – 14 June, 1842, to the Wolf 18, Capt. Courtenay Osborn Hayes, fitting for the East Indies – and 18 March, 1843, and 1 April, 1845, as Senior, to the Wolverene 16, Capts. Henry Gage Morris, Chas. Foreman Brown, and Wm. John Cavendish Clifford, and Agincourt 72, flag-ship of Sir Thos. John Cochrane, both on the same station. As a reward for his highly lauded exertions as second in command, under Capt. Geo. Rodney Mundy, of the force employed during the operations on the island of Borneo, detailed in our memoir of that officer, Lieut. Patey was advanced to the rank of Commander 8 July, 1846.[1] He has been officiating, since 26 Jan. 1848, as Second-Captain of the Rodney 92, Capt. Edw. Collier, on the Mediterranean station.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1846, pp. 3438, 3441, 3442, 3444, 3446, 3447, 3767.