1940255A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Shepherd, BenjaminWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SHEPHERD. (Lieut., 1811. f-p., 13; h-p., 30.)

Benj.Shepherd [errata 1] entered the Navy, 1 Oct. 1804, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Britannia 100, Capt., afterwards Rear-Admiral, the Earl of Northesk, under whom he fought as Midshipman at the battle of Trafalgar 21 Oct. 1805. Joining next, in June, 1806, the Latona 38, Capt. Jas. Athol Wood, he sailed with a fleet of merchantmen for the West Indies, where, after assisting in the brilliant capture of Curaçoa, and co-operating in the reduction of the Danish islands, he held command, from Nov. 1808 until Nov. 1810, of the Ram schooner, with his name on the books of the Neptune 98, Pompée 74, and Statira 38, flag-ships of Hon. Sir Alex. Cochrane, by whom he was then promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. He was confirmed by the Admiralty, on his return home in the Snap, 29 May, 1811; and was subsequently appointed – 14 June and 30 Nov. 1811, to the Audacious 74, Capt. Donald Campbell, and Griffon sloop, Capts. John Tancock and Geo. Barne Trollope, both on the Home station – 4 April, 1812, to the Pompée 74, Capt. J. A. Wood, in the Mediterranean – 26 Sept. 1814, after three months of half-pay occasioned by ill health, to the Pelorus 16, Capt. John Gourly, with whom he served on the coast of Ireland and in the Channel until 2 Sept. 1815 – in 1840 to the Transport Service as an Agent afloat – and 31 Jan. 1842, for a short time, to.the post of Agent on board a contract mail steam-vessel.

He is married and has issue.

  1. Original: John Shepherd was amended to Benj.Shepherd : detail