A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Shipley, James

1941199A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Shipley, JamesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SHIPLEY. (Lieut., 1810. f-p., 13; h-p., 33.)

James Shipley entered the Navy, 17 Nov. 1801, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Ariadne 20, Capt. Patrick Campbell, on the Home station; where he served, from Oct. 1802 until Aug. 1805, as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, in the Gannet 16, Capt. Edw. Bass; and where, in Sept. of the latter year, he joined the Captain 74, Capt. Geo. Hopewell Stephens. After he had been for two years and a half employed in the North Sea, Baltic, and Channel in the Quebec 32, Capts. Geo. M‘Kinley, Lord Viscount Falkland, and Hon. Geo. Poulett, Cruizer 18, Capt. Geo. Chas. Mackenzie, and Quebec again, Capts. Hon. G. Poulett and John Thicknesse, part of the time as Acting-Lieutenant, he became attached in that capacity, 18 Jan. and 13 Aug. 1809, to the Vulture 18, Capt. Martin White, and Phoenix 36, Capt. Zachary Mudge. He was nominated, 3 Jan. 1810, Acting-Master of the Albacore 18, Capt. Corbet Jas. D’Auvergne; was advanced to his present rank by commission dated 17 April in the same year; and was next, from 19 of that month until April, 1811, and from Oct. in the latter year until Sept. 1814, employed in the Baltic and on various parts of the Home station in the Ardent 64, Capt. Robt. Honyraan, and Princess Caroline 74, Capt. Hugh Downman. He has since been on half-pay.

Lieut. Shipley married, first, in June, 1819, Jemima, only child of Mr. Bradney, of Hilton, co. Salop; and secondly, in Oct. 1826, Harriet Sarah, only child of the Rev. Henry Ward, Rector of Havering Bower, co. Essex. By his former marriage he has issue two daughters.