A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Tollemache, Wilbraham Francis Manners

1975115A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Tollemache, Wilbraham Francis MannersWilliam Richard O'Byrne

TOLLEMACHE. (Lieutenant, 1828.)

Wilbraham Francis Manners Tollemache, born 26 April, 1800, is second son of Hon. Chas. Tollemache, of Harrington, co. Northampton, by his first wife Frances, only daughter of Wm. Hay, Esq., of Newhall, and niece of George, seventh Marquess of Tweeddale. He is half-brother of Wm. Tollemache, Esq., (who married Anna Maria, daughter of Edward Adolphus, Duke of Somerset, K.G.) and of the Marchioness of Ailesbury; nephew of the late Duchess of Koxburghe; and first-cousin of the present Earl of Dysart.

This officer entered the Royal Naval College 11 Dec. 1813; and embarked, in 1816, as Midshipman, on board the Inconstant 36, Capt. Sir Jas. Lucas Yeo; under whom he was for about two years employed on the coast of Africa in the same frigate and the Semiramis 36. He served next in the Mediterranean, off Lisbon, and in the West Indies, as Midshipman and Mate (he passed his examination in May, 1821) in the Rochfort 80, Capts. Andrew Pellet Green and Chas, Marsh Schomberg, Ocean 80, Capts. Ferdinand Lucius Hardyman and John Sykes, and Barham 50, Capt. Sir John Louis; and on 20 Jan. 1828 he was made Lieutenant, we believe, into the Valorous 28, Capt. the Earl of Huntingdon, on the station last named. He returned home in the course of the same year; and was afterwards, from 26 Nov. 1830 until 1834, employed in the Mediterranean and East Indies in the Alligator 28, Capts. Chas. Philip Yorke and Geo. Robt. Lambert. His last appointment was, 17 Dec. 1840, as Senior, for a very brief period, to the Pelican 16, Capt. Chas. Geo. Elers Napier, fitting at Chatham.

Lieut. Tollemache married, 5 Oct. 1841, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Alex. Munro, Esq., and has issue. Agent – Joseph Woodhead.