A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Turnour, Arthur Richard

1983831A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Turnour, Arthur RichardWilliam Richard O'Byrne

TURNOUR. (Commander, 1815. f-p., 17; h-p., 31.)

The Honourable Arthur Richard Turnour, born 14 Jan. 1787, is second son of Edward Garth, second Earl of Winterton, by his first wife, Jane, daughter of Rich. Chapman, Esq., of London; uncle of the present Earl of Winterton and of Lieut. E. W. Turnour, R.N.; and cousin of Lieut. E. E. Turnour, R.N. One of his nieces is married to Lieut. Wm. Geo. Rabett, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy, 1 July, 1799, as Midshipman, on board the Caesar 80, Capt., afterwards Rear-Admiral, Sir Jas. Saumarez, under whom he assisted at the blockade of Brest and was present in July, 1801, in the actions off Algeciras and in the Gut of Gibraltar. In July, 1802, about three months after the Caesar had been paid off, he joined the Argo 44, Capt. Benj. Hallowell. In her he made a voyage to the coast of Africa. In Sept. 1803 and Dec. 1806 he was received in succession on board the Mermaid 32, Capt. Aiskew Paffard Hollis, and Leopard 50, Capt. Salusbury Price Humphreys, both on the Halifax station; and on 11 Feb. 1807, he was there nominated Acting-Lieutenant of the Bellona 74, Capt. John Erskine Douglas. He was officially promoted 28 Aug. following; and was subsequently appointed – 20 Jan. and 17 Feb. 1808, to the Northumberland 74 and Victory 100, Capts. Wm. Hargood and John Serrell, lying at Spithead and Chatham – 2 April in the same year and 11 May, 1809, to the Diomede 60 and Adamant 50, flag-ships of Sir Edm. Nagle at Guernsey and at Leith – 22 Sept. 1810, to the Rover brig, Capt. Fras. John Nott, in the Channel – in Oct. 1810 and Feb. and Nov. 1811, to the Malacca 36, Minden 74, and Theban 36, Capts. Wm. Butterfield, Edw. Wallis Hoare, and Stephen Thos. Digby, all in the East Indies – and 12 Feb. 1815, to the acting-command, on that station, of the Sphynx sloop. In the latter vessel, to which he was confirmed 20 Sept. 1815, he remained, we believe, until Nov. 1816. He has since been on half-pay.

Commander Tumour married, 1 Sept. 1829, Charlotte Fitzherbert, eldest daughter of the late Geo. Daysh, Esq., of New Grove, Petworth, co. Sussex, by whom he has issue. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.