2004969A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Whipple, Thomas Connell O’DonnellWilliam Richard O'Byrne

WHIPPLE. (Lieutenant, 1840.)

Thomas Connell O’Donnell Whipple was born 9 Sept. 1813.

This officer entered the Royal Naval College 9 March, 1827, and embarked, 13 March, 1829, as a Volunteer, on board the Galatea 42, Capt. Chas. Napier, in which frigate he continued employed on particular service, part of the time in the capacity of Midshipman, until Jan. 1832. He served afterwards on the Home, West India, Lisbon, and Mediterranean stations, as Midshipman and Mate (he passed his examination 19 June, 1833), in the Nimrod 20, Capt. Lord Edw. Russell, Savage 10, Lieut.-Commander Robt. Loney, Russell 74, Capt. Sir Wm. Henry Dillon, Weazle 10, Lieut.-Commanders M‘Ilwaine and John Simpson, and Powerful 84, Capt. C. Napier. His conduct in the ship last mentioned in the operations on the coast of Syria and at the bombardment of St. Jean d’Acre procured him a commission dated 4 Nov. 1840. His subsequent appointments were – 15 Dec. 1840, as Additional-Lieutenant, to the Princess Charlotte 104, flag-ship of Hon. Sir Robt. Stopford in the Mediterranean – 15 Jan. 1841, again to the Powerful, Capts. Geo. Mansel and Michael Seymour, on the same station – 5 Feb. 1842, to the Agincourt 72, fitting for the flag of Sir Thos. John Cochrane, Commander-in-Chief in the East Indies, whence he invalided 27 Dec. following – 2 Feb. and 19 July, 1844, and 30 Jan. 1845, to the Camperdown 104, Queen 110, and Trafalgar 120, flag-ships of Sir John Chambers White and Sir Edw. Durnford King at Sheerness – and 15 June, 1846, as Senior, to the Dido 18, Capt. John Balfour Maxwell, with whom he returned to the East Indies. He came home and was paid off in the early part of 1849. Agent – Joseph Woodhead.