Bohemian Poems, Ancient and Modern/A Valentine

For works with similar titles, see A Valentine.
3268073Bohemian Poems, Ancient and Modern — A Valentine1849Albert Henry Wratislaw


THERE’S a sigh in the breeze as it softly steals by,
And its burden a name that I know,
And sweet to mine ear is that wind whisper’d sigh,
Though it bears me the name of a foe.

Fair foe, thou art victor, be courteous and kind,
And use thy poor prisoner well,
Nor deep in Despair’s gloomy dungeon confin’d,
Let him pining and languishing dwell.

As captives their captors low bending entreat,
So I with meek hope entreat mine,
That she condescending my tribute will greet,
And deign to be my Valentine.