action chain,57, 112, 319, 337
Adams, Henry, 35
Adams, Marianne, 42
adapting, 44, 62-5, 66-73, 74-83, 84-94, 96-114, 115-122
agnation,12f, 394
Anisfeld, Moshe, 37
articulation, 152
Asher, J. J. , 148
Ashton, E. O.,259 et passim
audiolingual, 66ff
authenticity, 31, 46, 190, 369
Anthony, Edward M., 10,19
Anzuini, Lucia, 115ff
articulation, 152
Asher, J.J., 148
Ashton E. O., 259 et passim
audiolinqual, 66ff
authenticity, 31, 46, 190, 369

Bailey, Beryl Loftman, 328
Behavioral model, 6
behavioral objectives, 55,64, 94
Beinstein, Judith,, 74-83, 372
Benton, Richard, 31
Bini, 132, 319ff
Blair, Robert, W.,329
Blass, Birgit, A.,123
Bloomfield, Leonard,131
Bolinger, Dwight,391
Bosco, F., 61ff
Brinkman, Mark, 155
Brooks, Allen, 225
Brooks, Nelson, 5, 6, 8
Brown, J. Marvin, 13, 15, 19, 156

Cakchiquel, 329
Carroll, John B.,14,30,34,394
Chinyanja, (see Chichewa)
Chomsky, Noam 8, 10, 11, 14, 15
Clark, Raymond, 74-83
clusters, 151,158, 203-214, 215ff
communication, 30, 31, 62, 76, 94, 312, 314, 366, 391
components, 54-62, 68, 90f
conversation, 29, 37, 42, 76, 93, 312, 316
Cooper, Robert, 10, 11, 18
Cornelius, E. T., 4, 6
Crowley, Dale P.,
Cummings, Thomas, 1, 310f
Cummings devices, 42, 59, 62ff, 69, 74-83, 93, 107, 108f, 117, 119, 146, 149, 153, 158, 208f, 217, 310-330, 332, 337-345, 346-364, 393

Desberg. D., 59
dialogs. 5. 25. 34. 37. 39, 57, 63f, 66, 68, 84, 96. 108f, 150, 206f, 217, 311, 393, 401
dimensions, 50ff
Dorsey, Guaraciema, 203-214
drills, 25, 26, 30, 32, 4, 37, 39, 51, 54, 57, 77, 115. 118, 121, 150, 153, 158f, 194, 196, 198, 214, 228, 312, 319, 331, 373, 377, 389, 391-430
Dunkel, Harold, 1
Dunn, Ernest F., 319ff
Eiting, Keenan, 156
enactive mode, 61, 77, 145
enation, 13, 394
English, 11, 84-94. 316, 331-336, 370, 392, 395, 399ff
Eskimo, 145
evaluating, 44-62
exchange sequence, 149, 158, 217, 225, 229

Fantini, B and A., 66-73
Flamm, Carol, 149
Francis,John M., 134ff, 152
French, 11, 32, 59, 151, 225, 315, 318, 378
French, Virginia, 10
Fries, C. C., 3, 5, 8, 9. 84ff, 95
Gabelentz, 365,
Gage, Wm., 123, 232
Garner, John E., 31
Gatenby, E. V.. 1
Gattegno, Caleb, 22, 25 148
Gtaeengo, Caleb , 369f
Gleason, H. A., 12
Goodison, R. A. C., 42
Graham, C. Ray, 113
grammar notes, 39, 63. 158. 230
Grittner, Frank, 23
Gudschinsky, Sarah, 1, 131
habit formation, 2, 5, 10, 15
Hall, Eugene, 148, 149
Halliday, M. A. K., 30, 33
Hammmons, Anne, 138
Harris, C. Cleland, 96ff
Hausa, 311
Hepfer, K., 295
Herfurth, Helmuth, 375
Hill, A. A., 3, 10
Hirth, Carl, 155
Hohmann, 375
Householder, Fred, 36,
Hutchinson, Joseph C., 32

iconic mode, 61, 77, 88, 145
Igbo, 123-130
Indakwa, John, 258-285, 328
inventories, 195, 403-430

Jackson, Carolyn, 337-345
Jakobovits, L., 23
Jamaican Creole, 328
James, William, 37
Jespersen, Otto, 2, 365
Johnson, Dora, 123
Kamoga, Frederick K., 329, 381-6
Kandel, Eric R., 15
Kane, John, 84-94
Kelly, Louis G., 1, 33
Kikuyu, 337-345
Kim, Chang Whan, 328
Kirkland, Mary, 84
Kirundi, 284-309
Kituba, 41
Kniesner, Marian, 8, 391
Korean, 328

Kuno, Susumu, 8, 24, 391

Lao, 325ff, 328
Lado, Robert, 15, 61
Lambert, Wallace, 23, 31, 95
Lane, Harlan, 6
Langacker, Ronald W., 11, 20
Lee, Dong Jae, 328
lexical content/exploration, 33, 46, 58, 67, 70, 81, 84 94, 104, 106, 108, 115, 157, 228, 233, 259, 312, 378, 404
lightness, 47ff, 69, 108, 313, 317, 322, 74, 90, 104, 366
linguistic dimension, 51, 88ff, 104ff, 136f, 189, 194
Lipson, Alexander, 48
Luganda, 329, 381-386

MacDougall, Bonnie G., 42
Mackey, Wm. F., 33, 39
Mallon, S. T., 145
manipulation, 29f, 62, 200, 312, 314, 394
Marckwardt, Albert H., 10
Marx, Leo, 15
Mauritian Creole, 59ff, 115-122, 151, 329
memorization, 4, 5, 11, 25, 26, 29, 34, 37, 40, 151, 331
microtexts, 58, 365-390, 401
microwave, 312, 314
Miller, G., 36
Miller, Harry, 21

Modern Language Materials Development Center, 5
modularity, 38ff, 159
Morton, F. Rand, 7
motivation, 21, 33
Moulton, Wm. G., 7, 8
Mueller, T., 329
Muswe, Jonah, 368f

Newmark, Leonard, 14, 150
newspapers, use of, 40, 42, 190, 387-390, 403ff
Ney, James w., 9
Nida, E. A., 10
Noss, Richard B., 235-258 passim
Nouveau Petit Larousse, 378f
orbits, 105ff
organization, 32

Prator, Clifford H., 30
presentation, 143ff, 152
Pribram, Karl H., 16
programmed instruction, 31, 35, 96-114, 147, 259.
Palmer, Harold, 1, 145
patterns, 5, 13
Plaister, Ted, 54
pluralism, 36, 231, 314
Politzer, Robert L., 3, 5, 64
Polomé, E. C., 259 et passim
Ponapean, 329, 346-364
Portuguese, 139ff, 151, 203-14

qualities, 45ff, 90f
questions, 71, 117f, 122, 157ff, 158, 311, 337, 376f

real,29f, 113, 312, 367, 394,395
realistic, 29f, 312, 318, 367, 394
Reed, David W. , 10
Rehg, Kenneth, 56f, 329
Reibel, David A., 14, 150
Reid, Ann M., 189
Reid, J. Richard, 24
relevance, 33, 34, 46, 62, 1??
responsibility, 35, 38, 39, ??3, 366, 372, 397
responsiveness, 33, 34, 38, 40, 313, 366, 372
rewards, 46, 55, 62, 226, 338
Ritchie, Wm. e., 24
Rivers, Wilga, 2, 8, 9, 29, 30, 36, 372, 373, 391
role model, 138

Ruopp, Phillips,35
Russian, 42
sample of language in use, 57, 59, 66, 69, 76, 78, 53, 338, 380, 388, 404
Sarkhanese, 144ff, 220
Sayas1thsena, Souksomboun, 328
Schutz, Noel w., 313
Seidel, Frederick, 29
Shona, 368
Sinhala, 42
social dimension, 51, 66, 73, 88, 93, 104, 106, 136, 160
socio-topical matrix, 53, 57, 63, 78, 87, 94, 142, 203f
Sohl, Damian, 329
Spanish, 11, 66-73, 96-114, 151, 215-9
specification, 117, 135ff, 144, 152, 157, 189, 203
Stafford, William, 220
Stevens, Wallace, 27
Strawn, Dwight, 371
strength, 46ff, 49, 74, 90, 104, 108, 112, 160, 225, 227, 313, 321, 367, 372
structure, exploration of structural relationships, 46& 48, 61f, 67, 70, 81, 106, 108, 149, 220, 338, 404
Surapha Rojanavlpart, 156
Sutira Ariyapongse, 155
Swahili, 151, 189ff, 220-4, 258283, 311, 317, 322, 328, 403-430
Sweet, Henry, 1
Swift, Lloyd B., 41
symbolic mode, 61, 77, 145
synopses, 39, 61, 67, 144, 153, 220, 230-309
Taylor, G., 47
Telugu, 74-83
Thai, 151, 154-188, 235-256, 329
Thiuri, John M., 258-283, 337-345
topical dimension, 52, 66, 73, 89, 91, 104, 106, 136, 160
transformational grammar, 31
translation, 48, 66, 116, 194, 202, 325
transparency, 48f, 74, 90, 104, 313, 325, 368
use, occasions for: usability, 24, 27, 29, 38, 40, 46, 64, 68, 72, 80f, 95, 106, 108, 110, 113, 122, 148, 158f, 195, 199, 217f, 313, 322, 329, 332, 346ff, 365, 369, 377, 380, 402, 404

Valdman. Albert, 6, 11, 14, 36
vocabulary (see lexic- )
Der Volks-Brockhaus. 369

Ward, Ida, 1, 131
Wardhaugh, Ronald, 21
Warren, Robert Penn. 33
Weinstein, Allen, 40
Welmers, Wm. E. and Beatrice F. 123-30, 286
Wescott, Roger, 132
Wight. A. R., 53, 138

Yates, Warren G., 235-256, 328

Zola, Emile W. A., 41