Additional Agreement defining the Boundaries of Leased and Neutralized Territory in Liaotung Peninsula

Additional agreement defining the boundaries of the leased and neutralized territory in the Liaotung Peninsula (1898)
Governments of Russia and China, translated by unknown translator
Governments of Russia and China1040541Additional agreement defining the boundaries of the leased and neutralized territory in the Liaotung Peninsula1898not mentioned

Additional agreement defining the boundaries of the leased and neutralized territory in the Liaotung Peninsula

(May 7, 1898)

The Governments of Russia and China being desirous of adding some stipulations to the Treaty concluded at Peking on the 15/27th March, 1898, the Plenipotentiaries of both Governments have agreed upon the following:


In accordance with Article II of the original Treaty the northern territory leased and yielded to Russia — Port Arthur, Talienwan, and the Liaotung Peninsula — shall commence from the north side of Ya Tang Bay on the west coast of Liaotung and shall pass through the ridge of Ya-tang Mountain (the mountain ridge being included in the leased ground) to the east coast of Liaotung near the north side of the P'i-tzii-wo Bay.

Russia shall be allowed the use of all the waters adjacent to the leased territory and all the islands around it.

Both countries shall appoint special officers to survey the ground and determine the limits of the leased territory.


To the north of the boundary fixed in Art. I, there shall, in accordance with Art. V of the Peking Treaty, be a neutral ground, the northern boundary of which shall commence on the west coast of Liaotung at the mouth of the Kai-chou River, shall pass north of Yu-yen-cheng to the Ta-yang River, and shall follow the left bank of the river to its mouth, this river also to be included in the neutral territory.


The Russian Government consents that the terminus of the branch line connecting the Siberian Railway with the Liaotung Peninsula shall be at Port Arthur and Talienwan, and at no other port in the said peninsula.

It is further agreed in common that railway privileges in districts traversed by this branch line shall not be given to the subjects of other Powers. As regards the railway which China shall [may] herself build hereafter from Shan-hai-kuan in extension to a point as near as [lit., nearest to] possible to this branch line, Russia agrees that she has nothing to do with it.


The Russian Government assents to the request of the Chinese Government that the Administration and police of the City of Kinchow shall be Chinese. Chinese troops will be withdrawn from Kinchow and replaced by Russian troops. The inhabitants of the city have the power to use the roads from Kinchow to the north boundary of the leased territory, and the waters usually required near the city, the use of which has been granted to Russia; but they have no power to use the sea-coast (round about).


The Chinese Government agrees [lit., agrees to recognize] :

1. That without Russia's consent no concession will be made in the neutral ground for the use of subjects of other Powers.

3. That the ports on the sea-coast east and west of the neutral ground shall not be opened to the trade of other Powers.

3. And that without Russia's consent no road and mining concessions, ' industrial and mercantile privileges shall be granted in the neutral territory.


The Articles agreed to above will be drawn up, one copy in Chinese and one in Russian, and signed by the plenipotentiaries of the two countries.

For purposes of interpretation, the Russian will be the authoritative text.

Kuang-hsu, 24th year, 3rd intercalary month, 17th day: Russian Calendar, April 25, 1898 (May 7th, 1898).

 This work is a translation and has a separate copyright status to the applicable copyright protections of the original content.


This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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