A Selection of Hymns, Used in the Parish Church, and the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ulverston/Hymn 1

William Mason507205A Selection of Hymns, Used in the Parish Church, and the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ulverston — Hymn 1: Again the day returns of sacred rest1863Robert Daniel



Again the day returns of sacred rest,
Which when He made the world Jehovah blest;
When like His own, He bade our labours cease,
And all be piety and all be peace.

Let us devote this consecrated day,
To learn His will, and all we learn, obey;
In pure religion's hallow'd duties share,
And join in penitence, and join in pray'r.

So shall the God of mercy pleas'd receive,
That only tribute man hath pow'r to give;
So shall He hear while fervently we raise,
Our choral harmony, in hymns of praise.

Father of Heav'n! in whom our hopes confide,
Whose pow'r protects us and whose precepts guide;
In life our guardian, and in death our friend,
Glory supreme be Thine, till time shall end.